View Full Version : I think Milo is sick of taking medicine...

Buy A Paper Doll
09-25-2006, 05:37 PM
Milo took a step backward with his plucking / staph infection. We had to switch meds again. The good news is that the vet called it in to the compound pharmacy nearby and ordered extra sweetener and extra watermelon flavoring for His Royal Highness. The bad news is, Milo is just flat out sick of taking medicine every night.

I went to pull him out of the cage last night, told him it was time for his medicine. He chatter-scolded me in typical lovebird fashion, then went in his cozy with his back to me. When I tried to coax him out, he turned around, neck feathers raised, and made that little hissing sound he makes when he wants to bite me.

~sigh~ I will admit, I gave him a one night reprieve from medicine. Tonight, though, he's getting it regardless of how much he hisses at me.

09-25-2006, 05:56 PM
Poor Milo. This has been a long regimen for him. Are you seeing improvements? I hope so.

I am taking Lacey in tomorrow for the same test you had done. She has been plucking her back side again, so more tests for her. Her gram stain was good last visit, and she did improve with the Baytril some, but then right back to it after about two weeks. Bad thing is I am having to take her off the eggs for the visit, but there is also a place on her wing I want him to check out also, and I just can't wait any longer. She only has about one week left to go with the eggs anyway, so hopefully she won't be too upset:(

Tell Milo take his meds like a good little boy. I'm sure Mama gives him a nice little treat and some extra luvin:)

09-25-2006, 06:53 PM
Jennifer: I know all too well how awful it is having to give a lovie daily meds. For almost a year my husband and I had to medicate Squeaker at least once and somtimes twice a day. I felt so bad, but I took comfort in knowing it's what was best for him.

Hopefully Milo will appreciate his new watermelon medicine:p

09-25-2006, 07:29 PM
Jennifer, I feel for both of you! I had to give Big Boi Medicine only one time for a couple of days and it was a terrible ordeal. Poor Jennifer....poor Milo! I think about him often and hope his plucking days pass...soon! :)

09-25-2006, 08:05 PM
Poor Milo! He's been such a good little lovie through all of this. He needs an extra long cozy so momma can't pull him out for medicine :whistle: Hmmm...I've never heard any of my birds "hiss" before :x