View Full Version : Reversion?

09-26-2006, 10:03 AM
Only a couple of days now, I know. But I'm wondering if Sonnet isn't picking up some bad habits from Friday already. Where she would readily "step up" when she came here, it seems now harder and harder to get her to do this. Often now she'll take flight, ala Friday, and I'll have to pick her up and work the command several times in a row, hoping that she'll get the idea that flying isn't a real option. I'm thinking that I'll have to spend some more just me and her time with Friday still locked up. The only problem is that he calls to her (which also happens while they're both out and I try to get her to step up) and she'll fly over to him.

Suggestions? Maybe I should try taking her in a separate room? (Except this house really echoes, so I'm not sure how effective that would be.)

09-26-2006, 10:36 AM
Hi Rachel;

It sounds to me like Sonnet is reacting instinctively, rather than picking up Friday's behaviors. She wants safety in numbers, and she's got Friday's number! He's a potential flock member.

I think working with Sonnet in a darkened room would be a good solution. The lower light would reduce her inclination to fly, and in a smaller room she wouldn't get far. Have her flight feathers been trimmed?

09-26-2006, 10:43 AM
Yes, thankfully she's a clipped birdie. Still, she's a strong flier, so really it just slows her down enough to be catchable when she decides to take to the skies.

The dim room is a good idea. Think I'll take her in my room and pull the shades today. Maybe while the kidlets are napping (assuming they oblige and take naps at the same time today :roll: :lol )

09-26-2006, 11:09 AM
This is also very typical behavior for a lovie her age. She's more interested in Friday and her new surroundings than spending time in one place!! I agree with Barb that a room with dim light would help keep her more in one place. :)

09-26-2006, 11:32 AM
Rachel, I had to work with my two separately for the first couple of weeks. They were both very tame but when one took off, the other one did, too. Both were clipped but remained strong flyers. Like Barb suggested, I used a bathroom to work with them individually.

09-26-2006, 11:37 AM
Yep, I had to do the samething when I bought Olivia. She had found her pairing with Daisy, but I had to work with her separately cause she would fly to Daisy everytime Daisy called out. Just like your situation. It'll work out in time :)