View Full Version : "Indy needs a mate..."

09-29-2006, 01:54 AM

09-29-2006, 07:54 AM
You've worked very hard at gaining his trust and he certainly has come a long way since you've had him. My Oliver was a single bird for most of his life until I added Big Boi and Shy last year. His former owner did bring in another bird occasionally, lovebirds and other species and actually caged Oliver with some of them (:eek: ) but not for long periods. In my case, I did not get two more lovies for Oliver, I got them for me! Yes, it turns out that he really likes both of them but IMHO he was very happy when he was a single bird. He's on my shoulder right now and still loves his time with me several times a day. I agree, lovebirds do not need a buddy/mate to be happy as long as their human gives them plenty of time and attention.

I think you're smart to wait on adding another bird. :) It is great that your mom is coming around.....hard to resist a little lovie, right? :D

09-29-2006, 08:26 AM
I think you will find many people here, including me, that have single Lovebirds.

I often think about what would be best for Rico and if he would be happier with a mate of the feathered varitey.

The common bond that we all share on these boards is the dedication to our birds and our desire to make sure they are safe and happy.

As with all pets and animals, the most frustrating aspect of the relationship is the fact that they can't tell us what they want or how they feel. All we can do is observe their behavior in an effort to try to understand how they feel.

Like you said, you spent a long time learning about lovebirds and all the aspects of being a lovebird caregiver. It's a very common misconception that Lovebirds NEED a mate. As we all know, that is not true. YOU are Indy's mate, just like I am Rico's mate. And while we may not look like birds, or act like birds, we can still do everything humanly possible to love and care for our little guys.

I have birds on my back porch everyday, within just a few feet of Ricos cage. He can see them and hear them throught the screen and ocasionally will chirp back. But, rest assured, when me or my wife are around, all Rico wants is to be with one of us. I have to believe, that since he never really had another feathered companion, (except as a baby), that after almost 3 years of being with us, he is much more comfortable and happy around people, than he would be around another bird.

Linda will tell you, that all animals, especially our little parrots, will respond to love, patience and compassion. As we are more than capable of giving these things to our companions, so we should never feel as though we are neglecting our birds by not giving them another companion.

As long as you are doing what it takes to make Indy feel safe and happy, then that's how he will feel. And that's what's most important. :)

09-29-2006, 02:58 PM
AAAAAAAARRRRRRGH!!!! i though i was the only one who heard the "your mean since your torturing your lovebird by not letting him bond to another lovie" speech. ive had it 14 times and ive memorized it. i did a YEAR reserch on them before i bough bebo and read 7 lovebird books!!!! infact the lady who sold me bebo told me that lovebirds have more chance of bonding to you if you only have one. so now every time someone gives me the speech i spend half a hour correcting them and make them sorry they ever said anythin! :) besides its not that i dont want another bird its that we already have 4 quarantines going on and i dont want even more chirping!!!!!! kumashe you are doing the right thing for indy!! from what you wrote it sounds like he trusts you. and loves you!!! :) so dont give up!!!! now if only i can get bebo to stop thinkin of my finger as "the claw of doom" by by
for now!!! i have to go change bebos water for the 5th time today

09-29-2006, 04:37 PM
I was showing off Beetle to a co-worker of mine when one of her relatives call on her cell. She mentioned something about having this beautiful little lovebird on her hand when her relative started to lecture me, through the phone, how I MUST HAVE TWO LOVEBIRDS or my SINGLE BIRD WILL DIE OF LONELINESS!

I had college classmates tell me the same after they were gifted with a pair of lovies at different times in their lives. And have been told as much by customers when I spent a few months working in pet store many years ago.

I knew that it was bunk as years ago, I was told by a breeder that a single lovebird made for a happy, well-adjusted pet, much like a single budgie, cockatiel, African grey or macaw would.

I'd love to get another lovebird for the simple reason that I love them. But if Beetle is to be my only bird, I'd be OK with that... as would he. There's always the chance that he and another bird wouldn't get along, even if they weren't caged together or allowed joint playtime together.


09-29-2006, 05:34 PM
No doubt, very few people know much about pet birds unless they've had them and researched them. I was clueless but found this forum a couple of days before I adopted Oliver. :D I can't even remember how many people, people who have parrots, I've talked to in the last three years that did not know that birds are supposed to see a vet, same as a cat or dog. And they certainly didn't know about avian vets. I think the major problem is the lack of information given out by chain pet stores when they sell a bird. A specialty store seems to do much, much better at that. I wish they'd all hand out a little information with the facts/myths as well as how to properly care for a bird. Guess that might cause them to loose many sales. :rolleyes:

09-29-2006, 10:07 PM
Celeste is our only lovebird and she seems to be fine adjusting to us. I don't think that she is unhappy at all and we are bonding really well. We also don't have plans on getting her a mate because we made the choice to be her flock. I am always asked if she needs a mate to be happy and I know the answer is no. Down the road I would like another lovebird for me because I love them. Right now is not the time and like you I am happy to spend the time to be her mate so she isn't lonely.