View Full Version : Very Sad

06-05-2005, 07:13 PM
So we are moving from Michigan down to Tennessee. We are gonna be closer to Dave's family. The people that I am friends with that gave us Squeakers (the rescue bird) won't let us take her with us. Saying "She won't survive the trip." So...now I am sad we have to give her up. I mean is that right? Kinda peeves me off alot. When Peaches died his wife said "I'm sure he will let you take her." So then he says I can, but now when we are moving they said she can't go with us. :mad:


06-05-2005, 07:22 PM
Did you agree to this in writing? If not, there's not much the other family can do to take Squeakers back.

I've taken many birds on trips and they have done just fine. How old is Squeakers and are there any health concerns that would prompt them to say this?

06-05-2005, 07:35 PM
No nothing in writing. It wasn't something I figured they would do. I've known them since I was 16 and thats...6 years. She plucked her feathers...and they guess she is about 2 years old. But I had her in a car before and she just sat there. But I know I can't do anything about it. It just makes me really angry that people would do that. And the thing is...they aren't a very good bird rescue.

06-05-2005, 07:37 PM

That is just preposterous!!!! As long as you stop along the way to make sure Squeakers is getting enough water, and provide her food, she sould make the trip just fine. I can't believe they want to take her back. What's more, they just really don't have the right.

I know you probably don't want to upset them, but obviously they don't have a problem upsetting you???? Your call, but I don't think I would give up Squeakers if you really don't want to.

06-05-2005, 08:28 PM
If you have no agreement with them in writing, there's nothing they can do. They can't even legally prove that you got Squeakers from them! Additionally, if they are not a very good bird rescue, there's no way I would return the bird. It's your call, but that's my take on what's going on.

One of my daughter's friends managed to keep her pet Cockatiels (quite a few yrs ago) and, because we could not prove that the bird belonged to my daughter, she never got the bird back even though she knew exactly where the bird was!

Buy A Paper Doll
06-05-2005, 09:18 PM

These people are ridiculous! By all means, pack Squeakers' things up and take her with you. You don't owe these people an explanation, you don't even need to tell them when you're moving.

If they do happen to confront you, remember this: Squeakers is YOUR bird, she's bonded with you, not them. You adopted her with the understanding that it would be a lifelong commitment on your part. Your home is Squeakers' forever home, whether it's in Michigan, Tennessee, or any other state you choose to live in.

06-05-2005, 09:36 PM
If these friends GAVE you Squeaker, then its YOUR bird. Bottom line. Can't go back. Nadda. Zilch.
Do these people have ANY concern for Squeakers' well being and comfort?
Sheesh! Tell them to get their heads outta the sand and LOOK at the home you've made for this bird. She's YOURS.
*Just my two cents, so there :p *

06-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Yup, I am going to agree with what the folks here are saying. If there is no written agreement between you and these people, there is nothing they can do. They surrendered possession of Squeakers to you; Squeakers is yours. The only way now that they are going to regain possession of Squeakers is if you hand him over to them.

Do not let them intimidate you. If there is no written agreement between you and them, tell them to go p*ss up a rope. I understand that you are friends with them, and it is a shame they are willing to jeapordize that friendship because they want to keep a bird that they gave you and that you have cared for ever since and with which you have bonded. If they were not willing to emotionally let the bird go and let the new owner decide what is best for him, they should never have surrendered possession of Squeakers in the first place.

Don't give Squeakers to them; they do not have a leg on which to stand. If they threaten dissolving your friendship over it, that is ALL on them. Don't give in to emotional blackmail.

06-05-2005, 10:05 PM
I second everyones words. Unless it is in writing they can do nothing. I can not see how people could say that to you. You love that bird and she loves you. I would not let them take the bird back at all. Pack things and go. You know the bird best.


06-05-2005, 10:22 PM
I wouldnt even tell them anything more about the move or the bird...I cant beleive that they dont care at all how that will effect the lovie....she would surely be heartbroken without you!!
I would not hand her over!!!
Out of curiosity...why is it they think she wouldn't survive the trip...lovebirds get shipped and driven across the country.....what would be so bad about a road trip as long as you do whats needed to care for her along the way....????
Good luck and DONT GIVE IN!!!
Be strong for your little lovie!!!
Take care,

06-05-2005, 10:49 PM
I agree with the above posters as well! Yoshi goes on trips with me at least once a month to our parents across teh sound (its about a two hour trip and we usually stay the weekend). She makes it just fine. I have a special smaller travel cage. She has food and water, and enough room for a swing, two perchs, and her favoriate rip me up toy. She sits on my lap the whole time over and lets me scratch her on the head while we're driving. She does fine because i'm there with her the whole time making sure she is. If squeaker is use to the car and rides just fine before.. i dont see why you can't take her with you.

06-05-2005, 11:31 PM
She makes it just fine. I have a special smaller travel cage. She has food and water, and enough room for a swing, two perchs, and her favoriate rip me up toy. She sits on my lap the whole time over and lets me scratch her on the head while we're driving. She does fine because i'm there with her the whole time making sure she is. If squeaker is use to the car and rides just fine before.. i dont see why you can't take her with you.
What you have described above is actually an extremely dangerous practice. Echo loves to travel with me and he has a travel carrier (an airline approved carrier). He's always traveled in it and I would set the carrier in the front seat right next to me. One evening when I had Echo with me, a car unexpectedly pulled out in front of me and I slammed on the brakes to avoid an accident. Echo's carrier went flying off the seat and landed on the floor under the dashboard! Only a week before this incident, I opted to remove his food/water dishes, as they are heavy and not anchored to anything. Lucky I did or one of those glass dishes could have killed or seriously injured him! Echo wasn't injured but he sure was scared! It took me over 30 minutes to calm him down. He climbed under my jacket and would not come out! Now when Echo goes with me, I put a seatbelt around his carrier and I also cover his carrier with a towel. Why cover the carrier? In the event of an accident that deploys any airbags, airbags emit chemicals that could seriously injure or even kill Echo. The towel is to protect him should the unthinkable ever happen!

06-06-2005, 12:56 AM
I agree with everyone on this board. Unless you give the bird back they don't have any right to take Squeaker back. As far as travelling goes, I've had my previous lovebird for 10 years. If you want to talk about someone who travelled with a bird, that would be me. I moved at least 18 time over the last 10 years. Sam travelled in the car with me every time. I'm located in canada and moved from a province to another. My last move with Sam was from Calgary Alberta to halifax Nova Scotia. It took us 4 days driving to make it to our new home. It was in July. We stopped every couple of hours to allowe the cat out to drink eat and use the litter box and the bird to strech as well. never did my lovebird complain. she handled the trip very well and she really impressed me. Moving with me was easier then to try to get her adapted to another family, which would have broken my heart. can't leave my baby behind. If you get Squeaker used to the car, I think he will enjoy the ride to your new place with alomsot no stress


06-06-2005, 01:19 AM
Tell them where to get off!!!!
Stupid humans! :mad:

06-06-2005, 08:04 AM
You guys are great! I was agreeing with you that I should just pick up and leave with her. I mean when she lived there, she was never let out and she was in a tiny cage until maybe a couple of days before I got her. Then they transfered her into this REALLY small cage for me to take her home in. There was no way that I would let her stay in that one. It was like half the size of a freakin hamster cage. Then, they told me they needed the cage back. Now, Squeakers is with me and she gets out everyday, loves to play and fly around. I think if she went back to where she wouldn't be let out it would make her really sad. If the birds make any noise (these noises I think are pretty) they squirt them with a water bottle. I don't even own one, I love their noises. And since Squeakers is still trying to adjust from her abused home, she does bite when she sees skin, so I know for a fact they won't let her out because of this nor work with her. They have a rescue bird there and are getting rid of him because he bites. Go figure the people you trusted for so long goes and does something as dumb as this. So I am Squeakers rent a home, unknowingly? :mad:

06-06-2005, 08:31 AM
Oh no. Do not give Squeakers back to those people! They have no business owning birds at all if that's how they treat them. Do what you have to do -- hide Squeakers, deny that you got Squeakers from them -- but do not give him back under any circumstances! The bird is yours.

06-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Those people should not own a pet rock let alone a lovie. How they can expect to be a resuce without being bitten is beyond me. From what you say i hate to see what they do if a bird poops on them(all though wish I could send a flock of pigeons over their car). I would look them right in the face and tell them that they will not get Squeakers back. You took her in and she is yours. As long as Squeakers has mommy i bet she will be fine.


06-06-2005, 10:47 AM
I will add that when you are in the process of moving, Squeakers should be in a smallish travel carrier with hard plastic sides -- like Linda said, the kind that airlines would approve. It will be safer and probably more comfortable for Squeakers to be in the littler cage for such a long drive.

We took George, Gracie, and Sam on a drive from Detroit (where we live) up to Clare (where Tim's parents live). We stopped once on the way to make sure they had a chance to sip a little water. The rest of the time they had millet sprinkled on the floor of their carriers, and a thin slice of apple they could eat if they really needed some moisture. It's a 3-hour drive and we stopped roughly halfway.

Where are you in Michigan? If I can help you out with Squeaker in *any way*, please send me a PM. I could very easily keep her in my office until you guys are headed down South. :)

Best wishes,

06-06-2005, 11:22 AM
If you can take Squeakers with you and give her a good home there really is no choice in the matter especially if you take Squeaker's best interest at heart. You know that your "friends" would not provide a good and loving home to Squeakers so it would be irresponsible to let them have her.

Please don't give up Squeaker's she loves you and you understand and respect her.

06-06-2005, 12:13 PM

I do strap her in the seat. The cage i have has small plastic dishes that are secured to the side of the cage and the whole outside/bottom is covered with a fairly thick blanket/wrap around the cage that goes up to the door to make sure she can't slide it up. Since they are smaller i check on them all day long and change them at least 3 times a day and the water 4. On top of that i have about 10 clothes pin ontop of each other to make sure she REALLY can't open up the door. The cage is kinda taller than it is wide, so the dishes are practically on the bottom of the cage and she has two perches, and one swing, and her chew toy way above it. Every time I check her, She can usually be found on her chew toy/cage bar. Then i have a light cover to go ontop of it. Half of our trip is on a ferry, so i uncover her at that point so she can look out the window watch the people walk buy. I know you have her best intrest at heart! I try to take all precautions to ensure a safe trip, because the other option would be to leave her behind for the weekend and I have no one who can look in after her.

06-06-2005, 12:30 PM
LOL Nicole,

I think the general consensus is to tell your friends, No way, No how are you getting Squeakers back. It really does sound like he is way better off with you, and it would be a shame to condem him back to the little cage he was in with no love and the freedom he has become accustomed to. He very well could go into a depression and I would hope this is something your friend will understand. If not, well...... they aren't very good friends :(

Now, where in TN are you moving. I am in the Nashville area, and hope you will be close enough to maybe enjoy the bird shows with me sometime. I can't find anyone who wants to go with me, and my hubby is good for an hour or so, but then he's done :rolleyes:

06-06-2005, 02:13 PM
You could simply tell them that Squeakers escaped through your window and you can't find her. Then, move and take her with you. They have no business owning a bird. Squeakers is yours. Bottom Line. I mean, can they really give you heck for letting Squeakers "escape"? Sheesh, their home sounds no better, and we'll all know it was just a lil white lie to keep birdie safe and sound. We'll back ya up, heck even Barb says she'll help....give Squeeks to Barb for the week or two prior to your move, that way your 'friends' wont see or hear her, making the lil fib believeable. Gosh am I devious !!


06-06-2005, 02:53 PM
That's right. :) There's more than one way to hide a li'l birdie, as my Tim knows very well.

06-06-2005, 02:58 PM
Gosh am I devious

:D :D

06-06-2005, 05:07 PM
Lori and others-
You guys are awesome. Well we are moving about two hours away from Nashville, it's called Selmer. I would love to go to bird shows. Mom is obsessed with birds (mostly macaws) she has 5 of them. I was suppose to go with her to a big one in Ohio that's in a hotel, but we will be gone. And I haven't been to one before. As for Squeakers, they said they never did give her to me, that I was just keeping her here.

06-06-2005, 05:30 PM
As for Squeakers, they said they never did give her to me, that I was just keeping her here.

Horsehockey. They never made that plain and clear from the start, and they surrendered physical possession of Squeakers to you. Now, if they had been paying Squeakers' vet bills when the whole bad beak episode went down, and/or any other vet bill that was ever incurred while Squeak was with you, they could show that a reasonable expectation of ownership still existed with them. Short of that, they can rationalize events any way that they want, and it still won't do them any good. Short of stealing her from you, the only way they will get Squeakers back is if you surrender physical possession of her back to them.

06-06-2005, 06:05 PM
"Horsehockey"......Eric, I love that one! :D

Nicole, if my lovies former owner dropped to her knees and begged to have him back, there is NO WAY in "horsehockey" I'd give him back! Nope, I would not do it!

I'm telling you (seriously) that if you can't face telling them that you are not going to give him back, just tell them you're keeping him till the day of the move and then tell them he died. I know we never want to tell a lie about "dying" but I'm not that superstitious and it'll be okay. I would tell any and every kind of lie to keep my lovebird. Course, I am much older than you and with age you sometimes acquire an "I don't give a s***" attitude and don't mind telling someone, face to face, exactly what you think of them. That is the best part of being old! Do not let these people bully you into returning that lovie! He belongs to you and with you!

06-06-2005, 06:24 PM
I am just reading all of this now and I can't believe these people would have the nerve to tell you that you cant bring squeakers with you. I wonder what they would do if you demanded they reimburse you for the vet bills, since they say they never relinquished ownership? I would ask, just out of curiousity. If you want to remain friends, I would politely tell them that you thought the bird was yours, and have looked into how to properly transport the bird, and that you have been reassured that it is safe. Then tell them that you are taking your bird. If they truly cared about the bird then they would be satisfied. (and if not...gotta wonder what their real concern is..it just makes no sense whatsoever.)
Good luck and dont worry. Keep Squeakers safe with you. He is lucky to have you.


06-06-2005, 06:43 PM

Everyone is right. If I were you I wouldn't even talk to them again. They have no proof of ownership and you do with the recent vet bills you have incurred. If they call about Squeakers, don't talk to them - you're out or busy or anything. Don't tell them anything about your move or when!! Don't even leave a forward address with anyone who knows them. You will be leaving soon enough and with Squeakers in tow. You don't owe them anything!! Remember that - Squeakers belongs to you and you only!!!

06-06-2005, 09:22 PM
Possession(i know did not spell right) is 9/10th of the law. She is in your home..you are feeding her,you bought her cage,you pay her vet bills..They are not paying you for this..She is yours..Tell them if they do not like it then they can pay you for all the upkeep:her vet bills,food bills,cost of cage,cost of having her in your home...and emotional payment...tell them you will take no less then 300,000 for it all plus court costs they will need to make you give her up.


06-07-2005, 07:02 AM
Here's another thought. You could board Squeakers at the vet's for a few days and pick her up on your way out of town. Let the vet know that you are moving, but you want Squeakers out of the way of all the noise and upheaval.

You could also tell your "friend" the Squeakers escaped, and it would be true. She escaped living in the small cage again. ;)

06-07-2005, 07:33 AM

06-07-2005, 02:01 PM
Hi Nicole,

I like Steph's suggestion: would they repay you your upkeep of Squeakers? I'd bet NOT.

Are you in a position of having to talk to them? What if you simply don't ever speak to them again? Or report them for animal neglect! What other birds are they mistreating right now?

I'd simply NOT give Squeakers back. It's implied that if you took this bird and spent your money on it over the course of time, and they didn't fund any of this - that the bird is yours.

There is no legal OR moral reason for you to give them Squeakers.

06-08-2005, 12:48 PM
Just tell them to take you to court. They have no standing, and would drop the case out of futility.

No one that adopts a pet needs to conform to any rules unless there is a stipulation in writing, and even then they only need to follow stipulations that are reasonable, which this is not. You did not adopt the bird with the understanding that you could never move with her. Lovebirds live 25 years, did this person expect you to remain planted for the entire life of the bird? Ridiculous. Did she expect you to raise the bird for her until the day you decided to move, then whe would scoop him back up without ever having to pay for his heaalth, welfare, or nourishment. HA. What if you decided to move ten years from now, is the bird still her's to reclaim at her will?? I think not

He is your bird, and if a vet says he is healthy enough to travel, who are they to refute. Cut the ties with this person, tell her to flock off, have a great move, a long and healthy life, and think no more about it.

06-08-2005, 03:25 PM
Shy I agree. I was going to adopt a pair of lovebirds. But the women said in writing I had to live in same county to do so. I was not in right one so no new birds(which is good cause not sure husband would like me if i brough anotehr pair home..lol)


06-08-2005, 08:18 PM
Yeah, I think I am just gonna up and disappear with her. They will probably tell the family and friends we stole her even if we explained the situation it won't do any good. It's like a big soap opera on tv, so much darn drama. This is why we are moving away! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.... Thanks to everyone that has offered advice to me. It helped alot knowing everyone was having the same thoughts as I.


06-08-2005, 08:34 PM
Good for you! A fresh start with your beloved lovie.... what could be better? Dramas should really be over millet, don't you think?
Bless you,

06-08-2005, 08:53 PM
Hi Nicole,
I think this is the best plan of action to take. Squeakers is your bird and she would be devesated without you. "Just disappearing" avoids confrontation and there's nothing these people can do once you are gone. They can't even prove they gave Squeakers to you.

06-08-2005, 10:13 PM
Nicole: I'm so glad you are deciding to take Squeakers with you. I've been very worried that you'd decide to leave her in your neighbors care and how upset and sad Squeakers would be not understanding what's happening and where you'd gone.

06-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Good girl! Who cares what they talk about when your gone, you know you have done whats right & thats all that counts! :D

06-09-2005, 07:47 AM
It's like a big soap opera on tv, so much darn drama.

Ah, that's why it is happening. It's not that they want the bird; they want to feed the ongoing drama. Game-playing is such a waste of time, and I'm sure you've got much better things to do.

Good luck on your move! :)

06-09-2005, 08:12 AM

I'm glad to hear you have decided to bring Squeakers with you. You are his Mommy now, and with you is where he belongs :)

Let me know when you all get here, and get settled in. There is a big bird show here in August I believe, and Jackie and Janie may be able to make it here. We will all have to try and get together for that if we can.

06-09-2005, 12:22 PM
The decision you've made is best for Squeakers.....and that's ultimately what's important, though I know you probably have given yourself a headache figuring it out. ;)

06-09-2005, 12:33 PM

Good for you!! You made the right decision and I think I can say we are all proud of you for not giving Squeakers back to them. Hope your move is a safe one and like Lori said, maybe we can all meet and go to the birdshow in August :D