View Full Version : He wants to play with other birds but doesn't play nice!

Joanie Noel
06-06-2005, 08:10 AM
What do you do if you have a bird who wants to play with your other birds but doesn't play nice? I have Kirby in a divided cage opposite Maple, and Maple seems happy as can be, but Kirby just hops all around the cage, wants out, wants to squawk all the time, etc. etc. I know I've spoiled him rotten and now this is what's happening... But is there a way to reverse some of it? When he is out with other birds, he'll be trying to preen Maple, or bites Squeaks' feet. :(

I can tell what he wants from other birds most of the time. He ducks his head down right in front of them, and they still don't preen him! Squeaks preened him the most, but Kirby attacks him now. (He's very possessive of Maple.) I had the same problem with Colada -- where she seemed to not preen Kirby much. He looks in desperate need of it because he's molting, and I've helped him a little, but he really wants another bird to do it! Is there a reason why some birds just don't preen other birds?

~ Joanie

06-06-2005, 09:04 AM

What I found with Bela and Lacey was that Bela would preen Lacey almost from the get go. Lacey however took a little time to start preening Bela. It may have something to do with the bonding process. It may just take the hen a little longer than the male to commit for lack of a better word ;) Lets see what some other's have to say????

06-06-2005, 11:12 AM
I also thought the preening might be something related to their upbringing. We don't know Squeakers background but he has never been a good preener. At first we thought it was because we got him when he was so young, but four years later, Zimber still has to use a string to scratch his head :(. But, all of Won Ton's babies', whether male or female, are excellent preeners, and he has always taught them to preen from early on in their lives.

As for playing nice, most of my lovies only play nice with their mates or siblings, and every other lovie is fair game :eek:.

Buy A Paper Doll
06-07-2005, 08:25 PM

I think (hope!) this is normal behavior because Milo does it to Melody: Milo bites Melly on her toe and then sticks his head in front of her face - he's clearly trying to get her to preen him. Naturally all this does is tick her off and she just goes off on him. Poor baby.