View Full Version : just a proud yoshi moment :)

06-06-2005, 03:01 PM
I just saw yoshi tuck her first spit ball into the back feathers :-D I've been waiting for ever to see her do this :D She seems to be kinda working on making strips too! HOW CUTE!

uh.. i dont have to worry about her trying to make a nest right away do i? She's only like 5 months now! :eek: :confused: And what if she forgets to take the spit ball out?

06-06-2005, 03:36 PM

She'll get those strips out. It is amazing the natural instincts they have. I am in total awe of Lacey when she is making a nest, and yep, it's a proud Mommy moment :) The only thing you need to watch for is if she starts trying to make a nest. They will pile up their strips on the cage floor if they don't have a box, and lay their little eggies right there. At the age of 5 months you shouldn't have that to worry bout just yet though.

06-07-2005, 07:15 AM
how do they make spit ball?

06-07-2005, 09:48 AM
Lol they take paper and instead of strips they make little paper balls. I have not seen them myself as Baggy was a strip maker by time i got her.


06-07-2005, 01:27 PM
Peepo made spit balls at first, but now she's up to nice long strips. She tucks them and mostly forgets them. I allow her to shred and tuck outside her cage while I clean it, and since she doesn't shred & tuck materials inside her cage - I hope to discourage nesting as long as possible.

Peepo is almost 11 months old! I think she started the spit balls around 5 months like Yoshi. Isn't it cute? Once they get the hang of it, it's kind of an art. Luka has become inspired (at about 2 years old) to try and shred with her, but he's pretty clueless. It's sweet he tries to join her in her frenzy, though. It must look like fun to him.

06-07-2005, 03:37 PM
Whew! no nest worrys now! that's good news! :)

Well she's been doing spit balls for about amonth now, but that was the first time she ever attempted to tuck one! And it didn't even roll out!

If Peepo tucks outside do you "shake her down" before letting her back in her cage? I only let yoshi have paper outside her cage as well.. and she does let me handle her pretty well so i might be able take the strips out before she goes back in..?

06-07-2005, 05:03 PM
Most of my birds who shred and tuck usually don't get more than a foot or two without losing them all. It actually takes a hen a lot of practice to figure out how to shred, tuck, then take it back to the nest and then use the material to actually make a nest.

06-07-2005, 07:01 PM
Ahh okay then i wont worry so much for now and let her practice as she wants :)


Buy A Paper Doll
06-07-2005, 08:28 PM
Yay Yoshi! My Melody is about the same age and she's trying to tuck spitballs and short wadded up strips of paper in her tailfeathers. Usually, though, Milo takes the little piece of paper away from her before she gets a chance to finish it ... and then the bickering match ensues.

She has a shreddy pinata toy in her cage but I only let her chew paper when she's outside of her cage. If she can get a spitball tucked before Milo takes it away from her, it normally falls out a minute or two later. There are little paper spitballs all over my house right now.

06-07-2005, 10:00 PM

If Peepo tucks outside do you "shake her down" before letting her back in her cage?

Peepo loves to play and climb right now, so for all her shredding and tucking - she goes straight into play mode when I come around and forgets about the tuckings. If she goes back to her cage with any, they get fumbled to the cage floor. I don't worry too much about it, she's my baby. I'll change my behavior when she needs it.

Even though I have two males (that are bonded, but Luka loves Peepo -too!), Peepo shows little interest in them right now. She's well bonded with me and actually likes to show off to them by being particularly affectionate to me and then looking at them like "SEE? I'm special!".

06-07-2005, 11:12 PM
And what if she forgets to take the spit ball out?

You will have yourself a Papier Mache Birdie.