View Full Version : Bird pedicure?

10-04-2006, 01:41 PM
When I've been handling Poe lately, he's had an intense facination with my fingers, and the things I do with them; ranging from using my computer to utensils. Moreover, he has been preening around my fingernails (cudicle I think is the term), ranging from a gentle nibble to him trying to get his beak underneath the sides and squeezing (ow...).

I'm not sure if he is trying to play with my fingers, or preen me, and just getting a little out of hand.

When it comes to interest in the things I use, its gotten to the point where I can't use my calculator for homework because I have this little 45 gram shadow trying to pull out all the keys with his beak :rolleyes:.

Most of it is harmless, and quite amusing, just wondering if anyone can offer insight as to why he might be doing this?

10-04-2006, 02:14 PM
I can only offer theories based on my own birds' behaviors (and my own imagination). :)

The birds who mostly nibble on my fingers like that are Didjit, Bongo, and Barney -- all boys, but I don't think that's a factor. I think that they think these are seeds and they're trying to crack the hulls (fingernails).

Sammy nibbles on my fingers too, but it's different. He's trying to feed them.:x

In general, I think they're trying to find something to eat. They're exploring with their beaks. Sam attacks the computer keyboard when I type, so he can't be with me. I *think* that he thinks the clicking sound is another male lovebird making clicky noises, but I don't know for sure.

Interesting question!

10-04-2006, 02:58 PM

Mine is going to be based upon personal experience also. I believe mine see my fingers as a type of beak? They preen my nails, try to feed them, and they also use them as a "skirtching post", kinda like a kitty scrathing post. They will rub their heads around my fingers to get a little birdy massage:)

As with yours, mine think anything my fingers touch is off limits. The keyboad, remote control, calculator, etc.... are all theirs, and my fingers are not suppose to touch them:rolleyes:

10-04-2006, 07:18 PM
Yep, my birds do the manicure thing too. They try and remove any non-smooth skin around my nails. They will try to 'trim' my nails too, and have on a few occations trimmed them quite nicely. I have to stop them when they try to 'crack open' my nail like a seed, because it REALLY hurts.

Two of my birds have found my toes interesting, and are a little more rough with them. So socks are a must.

I don't know what they are thinking, but they do the manicure thing all the time. The only thing I make sure of is I don't have any nail polish on, and that my hands and nails are clean.

Mine also find (all of them) my nose to be quite interesting. Little Chicken will push her beak up at my nose, like she is trying to shove it up my nostril. It's funny, strange and quite gross...lovies are weird.

I have 2 on my keyboard as I type, they try to get under my fingers. I have realized that the lovies are the boss. Wonder what they will want to watch on tv tonight, since the remote is THEIRS!!!:lol