View Full Version : Tinker Toy Set?

10-05-2006, 12:42 PM
I was going through some of the old threads in the "Photo Stories" Section and noticed Elles Post about making a play gym out of A wooden Toy Set. This looks really awesome and started to look around for this set. I went to Hasbro Tinker-Toy Set (http://www.hasbro.com/tinkertoy) and found out that Walmart sold this tinker toy set. and just wondering if this is what you used Elle?...
Here is the set from Walmart: (Im thinking about getting) http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5030825

I think I would rather build my own where I can change it every once in a while then just have 1 play gym that never changes. :D

10-05-2006, 06:28 PM
I have tinker toys for Obie....I bought mine from Ebay, and probably got about 300 pieces for under $20. It took her a while to not be afraid of them, but now she loves to climb all over her "gym" and eat treats there. I have it by the window, and she would hang out there all day watching the outside happenings if I let her. Since I bought used ones, I soaked them in a bleach/water solution (only a little bleach) and then rinsed them REAALLLY good before letting Obie play with them. It worked surprisingly well, the colors didn't run or anything. I love that they're changeable, so when either of us are bored we can build something new! My boyfriend is a mechanical engineer and when he gets started with the tinker toys, he'll play for hours building extremely elaborate things...it's fascinating to watch, I'm not nearly as creative! Bird loves them all the same though...

10-05-2006, 08:08 PM
We saw the same picture and have bought some that are another brand. They are non toxic and you can make the play gym any size you want. Celeste loves her's so much we just bought a bigger set so we can improve her current play gym and possibly build another.

10-05-2006, 10:39 PM
Mandy, Thanks so much for bringing ebay to my attention lol I would have never guessed that these sets were on there. But, there was around 60-70 different sets on there. I just bid on 300+ set. I am looking at only paying around $20 shipped!! :D
Jessica, That is what I like about the idea is if you think the way you have your play gym now is getting boring then you can just buy more or just switch things around!! ;)

Buy A Paper Doll
10-06-2006, 09:29 AM
Good deal! I was going to recommend Toys R Us, that's where I got the Tinker Toys for my birds.

10-06-2006, 12:47 PM
Yeah, It is a really good deal from some of the prices ive seen. I am winning so far on ebay, I just put my highest bid in at $10.00 and my lowest for 8.25 so, if no one else bids then Ill get it for around 18.25!! ;) There isnt to much time left so Im going to have to be sitting there making sure no one else bids at the last minute.
Im going to take Mandy's advice and clean all the peices thouroughly before my lovie plays on it. I "MIGHT" have something built by the time he gets here lol...:rofl: