View Full Version : willow branches

06-06-2005, 04:11 PM
well, while i was at the park i decided to "share" :o some willow branches from the many weeping willows....
i got home, washed them off, and threaded them through the bars, hanging down, around perches etc...well, it didnt take long for them to pick the leaves clean but they are still climbing, chewing, stripping and otherwise having a gay old time...
sure went through all those branches fast, though...guess id better get some more. hope i dont get caught!!!!!!!!! :eek:


06-06-2005, 04:14 PM
LOL Traci,

My backyard neighbor has a willow tree and I also "borrowed" some branches ;) It didn't go over as well at my house though, as Bela and Lacey seem to think they are "The bogey man" :rolleyes:

06-07-2005, 11:15 PM
Willow branches are the 'Bomb'.

If you can find a great stash, they are good frozen for the winter. They dry out, but still make great chewing. That way birdies can chew all year round.

06-08-2005, 08:04 AM
How did you wash them....just a rinse under the water or did you do that whole bleach/water thing and dry them out in the sun...and if you did do the bleach...how did it effect the leaves on the branches...???

I dont know if I can find a willow tree around here....by the way, is it a weeping willow tree???

If I have to I will go to lowe's and buy one and plant the darn thing in my yard!!!! I cant have a palm tree....I dont think it would survive a Rhode Island winter! UGH...i just about survive the winter here! :eek:
Thanks for your reply in advance...

06-08-2005, 10:29 AM
:o i just washed them with water...didnt think of the bleach thing...did i do wrong??? they wouldnt have been sprayed or anything.

i twisted some up into loops and hung them on perches and from the top of the cage, big hit. I was thinking of making some nad drying them out for later.


06-08-2005, 11:34 AM
Hi Traci;

The 10% bleach solution helps destroy unwanted bacteria and buggies (like mites); regular water would not do more than rinse off some outer dust and some (possibly not all) of the insects. Some insects also lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves, and that may not wash off.

I think (not sure) that people recommend stripping the leaves off willow branches before spraying the branches with the 10% bleach, then drying them in the sun. The same procedure applies for apple tree branches.

What's done is done, so all you can do at this point is keep an eye on your birds for increased itching, sneezing, or other signs of irritation. Let's keep our fingers crossed! :)

06-08-2005, 12:33 PM
My breeder gave her birds willow branches from outside all the time. I think it is a matter of where you live, as to how you wash them. If you have things like deer ticks you would definately want to wash them with bleach or something else that you know will kill the bugs. She just washes her's in water, and when I asked her about the bugs, she said the birds just eat them up. Of course, I live in Canada, so our bugs are not as threatening as American bugs can be. If you don't want to use bleach, I would dunk them in boiling water for a second or two. That will kill the bugs and probably won't hurt the leaves as much.

Personally, if I know the trees have not been sprayed with anything, I just soak them in very warm water for a few minutes and swoosh them around. My birdies really like juicy leaves, so I don't do anything to dry them out, but I do make sure the branches are clean.

The willows you want are like ***** willows. Weeping willows will work all right, but I think the trees grow more slowly. ***** willows grow fast, the branches are firmer and they grow almost anywhere. Try going for a walk by a river or pond. The bushes or small spindly trees that have bark that looks reddish will be willow trees. The branches are very flexible.

06-08-2005, 12:58 PM
Of course, I live in Canada, so our bugs are not as threatening as American bugs can be OMG :D :D :D

Took me a minute to figure out what *****willow was. LOL

Curly willow is also great, grows like weeds...


06-08-2005, 02:46 PM
*****willow? im not getting it.... :o

06-08-2005, 03:23 PM

06-08-2005, 05:16 PM
Oops :o I dont even wash my willow.... They get fresh willow every 2 weeks, leaves and all, & its all stripped and chewed as fast as they can! I too thread mine from one side of the aviary to the other and let them chew them till theres no "pearch" left... Yummmmmmmy!!

Buy A Paper Doll
06-08-2005, 07:17 PM
Thanks, I was having a little bit of trouble with that one myself... :rolleyes:

06-08-2005, 07:26 PM
:D ok,,,I didn't get it until Kim Meowed!!! LOL You guys are such nuts!!
I needed a good laugh right now! thank you!!!! :D

06-08-2005, 08:40 PM
WOW, I read this thread like 3 times before I got the MEOW thing.... oh my, I must get some rest! :D
I grow weeping willows and haven't seen any "MEOW" willows around here. I guess the weeping variety will do? :D
My lovies love to shred carrots with the tops! ERRRR- Whatsup Doc?

06-08-2005, 09:36 PM
I didn't realize that my little word was being edited as a nasty one. I should have gone back over it to check.

Yes, Meow Willows, or Kitty Willows, or whatever they are called throughout the world of computers that edit our favorite names. They are just called Pu$$y Willows where I am from.

Sorry for the confusion. :rolleyes:

06-08-2005, 10:46 PM
LMAO!! I have also heard them called "Cat Tails" so that could work here,,,,(unless someone hasn't heard them called that)
where I grew up they were always called Pu$$y willows also.... :o
Go figure with these puter's....ya never can tell what they will edit next....LOL
take care,

06-09-2005, 12:35 AM
ya, i finally got it a little while later. did the board censor that word? lol

06-09-2005, 12:25 PM
I thought Cat Tails were something different? They grow in marshy areas and look sort of like a dark brown corn dog stuck on the end of a stalk. :D

06-09-2005, 01:12 PM
ya, the censored willows :o have little fuzzy soft grey buds on them....cat tails (or bullrushes i believe) are the corn dog things. great description by the way! :D