View Full Version : Moulting

10-08-2006, 09:07 PM
:confused: HI Everybody!

Biscuit has been dropping feathers for more than 3 weeks now... how long will this moulting process last? none of the flight nor tail feathers have been dropped yet.

10-08-2006, 09:11 PM
In our house, a good molting runs about 5-6 weeks on average. Flights and tails are the last to go:)
Hope this helps !!!

10-08-2006, 09:13 PM
In our house, a good molting runs about 5-6 weeks on average. Flights and tails are the last to go:)
Hope this helps !!!

Ditto moults for at least 6 weeks. Sometimes I think he does it just for fun. :rofl:

10-09-2006, 10:47 AM
In our house, a good molting runs about 5-6 weeks on average. Flights and tails are the last to go:)
Hope this helps !!!

Same here! Sometimes it seems that the molts go on forever! :D

I was under the weather yesterday (migraine) so my hubby took over birdie activities and entertainment for me. He told me I had to take a quick look at all the feathers in the bird room, he was sure something had happened to one of them during the night. I did check and it was the normal amount of feathers that I find every day during a molt but I guess they've been vacuumed before my hubby noticed them before. :whistle: He is not really a bird person other than Oliver who we all consider a family pet but he spent hours with all three of them. :D I did hear a little cussing a time or two....I'm sure Big Boi was preening him a little too hard! :lol

10-09-2006, 10:12 PM
So far the current run for moulting here is up to 10 weeks....that's cause they don't all start at the same time.....feathers, feathers, and more feathers.:roll: And how those feathers can get into the window across the room is something to ponder...I vacuum out each window and around each cage on a daily schedule. :omg: by the time I finish, I could start all over again

10-12-2006, 08:01 AM
thanks all for your replies.. Biscuit is my first bird so i really do not know what to expect... on the lighter side though, I think she's beginning to bond with em. She already willingly comes over to me just to sit at my shoulder... not bad for a parent raised bird huh?

10-12-2006, 08:26 AM
Not at all bad for a parent raised bird! :D My Oliver was also parent raised and came from some kind of pet store in SC. His former owner tells me he was always friendly, from day one. Go figure! :whistle:

10-12-2006, 01:48 PM
speaking of molting, does anybody else save the feathers?
how do you wash them?
i was thinking in a bucket with a touch of bleach, swish them around and use a strainer to get them out.:2cents:

10-12-2006, 04:26 PM
speaking of molting, does anybody else save the feathers?
how do you wash them?
i was thinking in a bucket with a touch of bleach, swish them around and use a strainer to get them out.:2cents:

I save all feathers large enough to use in a dream catcher. I have made three dream catchers (actually Shy made them and I added the feathers) with Oliver's feathers and have enough for 5 more! :D I have a zip lock bag full with the feathers of my other two and will add them to another dream catcher when I can get Shy to send one to me! ;) Why would you want to wash them? :confused: Do you think they're dirty? My lovies feathers are as clean as a whistle when they molt them.

10-12-2006, 08:16 PM
I plan on keeping all of Celestes feathers and use them in some sort of art form. They're so beautiful I couldn't throw them away.

10-13-2006, 10:31 AM
Yes, I keep the bigger feathers (wing and tail feathers) too. I put them in the photo album with the pictures of the birds. They are great for art projects too.