View Full Version : Death by Cozy (Almost)

06-07-2005, 01:06 PM
We almost lost Babiest Bubber this morning and just how close scares me. I got home from a little bike ride and went into the bird room. I kept hearing weird noises from Babiest Bubber's cage and there were other lovies trying to get in her cozy. When I realized she was trapped in the cozy I raced downstairs with her and the cozy. I cut the cozy open to find a piece of fabric Babiest Bubber had chewed up wrapped around her neck and she was suffocating. I managed to cut her out but the cozy is in pieces. I'm watching her closely because she has a sort of red mark/blood vessal swelling around her eyes, which I'm assuming was caused by the pressure around her neck. She is now resting downstairs on her playgym with her mate Beeper.

I'm a little upset because my husband had just been in the bird room to let the birds out of their cages. I normally do this and always check the health/safety of all the birds and remove their cozies. He didn't do this and he's really really lucky I cut my workout short today. He loves our birdy flock but he is often careless about birdy things.

I'm just thankful Babiest Bubber is okay and I will keep a close eye on her today. I will also keep a close eye on the cozies and remove them if they get chewed up.

06-07-2005, 01:21 PM
Oh that would have given me a heartattack :eek: I'm glad to hear that you were able to get her out. I'm sure someone else will say it too, but you might want to put a call in to your vet and/or make a visit down there.

thoughts and prayers your way for BB's (and your!) speedy reovery from the trauma


06-07-2005, 01:42 PM
OMG. You're right, that was way too close for comfort! I'm so glad that it wasn't really death by cozy ...

06-07-2005, 01:43 PM
Oh Laura!
What a heart stopper that moment had to be! Cozies are gret places to cuddle, but you are so right in checking them every day. I can't give Peepo a cozy, because she just shreds them. I'm afraid she'd get tangled in the mess she makes.

I hope Babiest Bubber is okay.

06-07-2005, 02:20 PM
:eek: Laura :eek:

I am so glad you cut that workout short. Sometimes you feel someone intervenes and has a hand in things, especially in this circumstance.

I feel lucky that B&L are not chewers, and to date have not found a hole in a cozy yet. I do feel more comfortable though removing them in the daytime when I'm not around to be on the safe side, and for Lacey getting a bit nesty over them. I know this scared the B-Jesus's outta ya, but it is a very good reminder for everyone to check those cozies out daily.

P.S. Should I feel a little bit for your hubby???? I have a feeling he got what my hubby calls a "lecture", that's the nice word for it anyhow ;)

06-07-2005, 03:34 PM
OMG!! :eek: Thank goodness everything turned out fine. Daisy is the only birdie I have who loves her cozy/pavillion. I only give it to her at night and check it in the morning like you do. I also check them after they've been washed.

So glad for good news!!

06-07-2005, 05:12 PM
Babiest Bubber thanks everyone for their concern and well wishes. I just stopped by home to check on her and she is doing alright. She's getting her energy back and had some millet. Now her and Beeper are out makin' mischief :cool: .

I have to say I'm grateful to the big lovebirdy in the sky. My flock and I have really dodged some potentially devestating incidents and illnesses recently. I was shakin' this morning while all of it was happening. The worst part was the way she was trapped in the cozy I couldn't tell what was wrong or how bad it was, which is why I just went ahead and cut the cozy in half. The goal was to cut chunks off the cozy until I found the problem.

I will keep a close eye on her and if there are any more problems I will most definately take her to the vet. It's just getting a vet appointment is crazy makin' here in Hawaii and I don't feel that I'm at the freak out level I need to be in to force someone to see my bird :rolleyes:. Squeaker does have his own recheck on Friday and I may take her along just so my vet can have a look.

06-07-2005, 10:43 PM
I am glad all turned out well with Babiest Bubber.

I always feel so responsible when these cozies leave my care, and I do try to make them as safe as possible. Everyone knows of the nightmare I had with my first store bought one, and I decided I could engineer something safer. I would have been devastated if anything dire had happened to BB or anyone else in your flock.

These things need to be checked and I am glad you did so regularly. I hope BB continues to improve.

06-08-2005, 12:27 AM
SHY: You should in no way ever feel responsible. In fact, after I cut through the cozy and all was well I was admiring your cozy construction. I in no way think the engineering is the problem, it is the lovies. Babiest Bubber and Beeper also had a bad experience with a store bought cozy in which they chewed up and Beeper ended up getting his foot caught in string. I don't know how long he was trapped but he tried to chew through his leg. The only other lovie that chews their cozy is CuddleBunny and she's nowhere near as bad as Babiest Bubber.

I gave her one of the extra cozies we had, but if she starts chewing through that one she and Beeper are going to be sleeping on a perch.

BTW, Babiest Bubber is doing great and acting as if nothing ever happened. She still has a little red mark under her eye, but I'm thinking she's fine :) .

06-08-2005, 12:37 PM
I'm glad to hear Babiest Bubber is doing better.

Removing cozies in the day is always an option for those chewers. They will still chew, because we all know how much lovies like to practice their interior decorating skills, but it gives them less chance to harm themselves if they get to heavily into the deconstruction.

06-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Im so very pleased to hear all turned out well in the end.... I have just purchased a "bunker" here in N.Z and have been leaving it in Jebus's cage all the time, hes not a chewer, but from now on Ill be checking it often.