View Full Version : New (and rather Unexpected) Mommy needs advice

10-10-2006, 10:01 PM
Hello. I unexpectedly won my pair of peach-faced lovies in a raffle Monday, and would love to get advice on taming and handling them. The birds are 3-6 mos old, I don't know the sex, how long they've been together or if they're siblings. My goal is not to breed them (I'm actually praying both are boys-nesty hens just sound nasty!) but rather loving companions.

I've tried doing some research, but there's a lot of different advice. For example, lovies pairbond, but at 3-6 mos, can I separate them? Would this let them bond to me, or could they already be bonded and neigh unseperable? :confused:

How long should I let them acclimate before I start trying to get them to step up or take millet from my fingers? Right now, of course, when I put my hand in the cage to replace the water or food, there is much squawking and flapping and flitting about.

I admit I'm a novice when it comes to taming birds. :blush: I would appreciate any and all advice.

10-10-2006, 10:09 PM
Welcome to the world of fids :)

I think it can still be done. I had my lovie when he was 5 mos... it took a while but he flew to me yesterday (yehey). The keys are time and patience. Just talk to them regularly, read books beside them, or just watch TV. The point is try to get them used to being with you.:) I think you will feel when they are ready to train after that:)

As long as you dont try to force them to bond to you, I think everything will be well :)

Look at the resource library, there are tons of info. And with all the threads, i am sure that you can get tips on taming them :)

And of course! All th egreat people here! :D They are so helpful.

10-11-2006, 08:35 AM
Hi; :)

Yup, do as much reading as you can and ask questions. My husband and I didn't own any lovebirds at all until we were adopted by one; now we have eight.

Go slow with your new birds, and allow yourself time to learn their habits and ways. They will also be learning your habits and ways.

What you want to happen is to be adopted by them as a member of their small flock. The easiest way to do this is to spend a lot of time near their cage, talking to them, and eating near them.

I wouldn't try to separate them at this point. More than likely they are siblings, and used to living together. They are more comfortable in one cage together, and if they feel safer, they will accept you and the home you are providing more readily.

Welcome! :)

10-11-2006, 08:36 AM
Hi April, I did see your other thread first and replied there. The first suggestion I have is for you to check out the Lovebird Resource Library on the home page of the forum.

Personally, I would have them DNA'd. I think it will give you a better idea of what you might expect as they get older. I do have two younger males who are clutch mates and had them DNA'd before I bought them. I don't want to breed and like you mentioned, nesty hens......:eek: I'm not that brave! :D If you do have two hens it's possible you'll have to separate them and especially if you see one picking on the other. Even with two males there are no guarantees that they will get along caged together but it's a safer bet than two females. If it happens that you have a male and a female and they do breed (and they will, :D) you can keep the eggs from hatching by boiling or addling them and then returning them to the female so she can still sit on them and so that her laying cycle will not go into a tale spin because eggs are removed and not replaced. But that is putting the cart before the horse since you don't know the sex yet and they are still young for egg laying.

BTW, both of my "brothers" are very bonded to me. They love each other and my older lovie male but are all over me when I walk into their bird room. They came to me already tame and with very little effort on my part I was able to get both to bond to me....to allow me into their flock.

10-11-2006, 08:46 AM
I just wanted to Welcome! you to the forum I am also a Novice with Lovebirds. I am not going to be getting my First Lovebird till Late Nov-Early Dec. So, I spend all my time reading and trying to learn all about them.

Everyone here is very helpful and as Robbie said check out the Lovebird Resourse Library and look through all the Old Threads. I always try looking through both of these places before asking questions because usually my questions have already been answered in one of the two. :) But, dont ever Hesitate to ask a question here, Everyone is great, understanding, and eager to help.

I know that eventually you will get these two tame and wanting to spend some time with you, it just takes time, love and patience! and lots of Treats! lol :lol So, Ive read anyways..lol The more experience lovebird owners will be able to help you further Im sure!!:D

10-11-2006, 03:20 PM
Thanks everyone!

I did go to the Library last night, and already found some useful info (like, one lovie must be at least 6mo since she has signs of flight feathers growing back after having been clipped).

I do think my lovies are starting to settle in. They've been vocalising and I'm happy to notice that they're showing minor interest in one of the toys. They went to the dish of diced apples, grapes and cheerios I provided this morning and rummaged through it.