View Full Version : My little touble makers

10-11-2006, 03:23 PM
The older my birds get...the more they look for trouble. Over the past month, all starting with the occational babysitting done by my parents at their house, Mango and Kodi managed to figure out how to escape (my mom came home from work confused after I dropped them off during lunch when no one was home) from their cage, next day visiting they found the only hole underneath a cabinet and proceed to claim it as their fortress (took my dad 15 minutes of nipping to coax one out then the other followed, Kodi finally proved to my parents to being the little biting demon (latched on to a finger for no reason and was still attached when my mom lifted up her hand). Now my mom is a quite scared of my innocent looking female, I can tell Kodi smirks, and the 'swishy-swish' has started. I wonder how they will behave for my parents this weekend when I'm away.

Lately, my two lovies have been craving lots of attention from me. They must be all over me and follow me everywhere like little puppies (which I discourage them from being on the floor). The men of the house are favorite biting targets still and most refuse to sit in the living room if the birds are out in fear of an ambush. My boyfriend for one is getting really frustrated esp when Kodi decided to take a chunk out of the back of his neck the other day. She was sitting there quietly for about 15 minutes sleeping then all of a sudden she got a surg of energy. I believe her to be a very hyper bird. Mango for some reason turned on him many months ago too...I believe it to be jealously. So as you see he hasn't been too happy with my pets these days and I completely understand. No matter how much he works with them, Mango still attacks and Kodi just randomly bites for the fun of it. Dowels have been used fruquently.

I have noticed Mango is very good about listening to me now but is very timid of hands esp when he knows he's in trouble. He also loves to hide under the coffee table so mommy can't get him into his cage for timeout. Other then that, all I have to do is give him a look or be about to come over to him and he will stop anything bad he is doing. Kodi on the other hand still needs lots of work. She is getting even more beautiful each day since her molting began, but looks can be deceiving. New pictures to come soon...

10-11-2006, 03:35 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Sounds like fun! (Only bird people understand ;) ) My Olivia bites for no reason when my brother comes for a visit. She fly's right to him, runs up his arm sits on his collar and then BAM! She bites him and he yells. I've told him not to do anything, but he runs around saying "Get her off, get her off - VIPER!!". It's too funny. This coming from someone who owns a Blue & Gold MACAW! :eek:

10-16-2006, 04:40 PM
LoL that is too funny Jackie. Great mental image lol