View Full Version : my little guy and some questions

10-11-2006, 09:12 PM
Well, I just got Squeak on Sept 22 but the little guy is settling in quite nicely. He is slowly becoming my buddy, greeting me when I get home and banging the cage door up and down when he wants out. He will perch on my finger no problem, but still freaks out if someone sticks their hand in the cage. Flashbacks from the petstore, I guess. Seeds being better nutrition than pellets is a hard thing to accept, but I'm managing, lol. Right now, he gets seeds until I get home from work, then it's birdie bread for an hour or two (great recipe, btw! ;) ), and finally 4-5 Nutriberries. I also have a birdie kabob that I put veggies on. So far, it's been no-go on the veggies but I did see him eat the bread for the first time yesterday! :happy: Is this diet sufficient so far? I think the next time I make the bread, I'll put some pellets in it. I can't seem to get over my pellet fixation :blush: I'm also planning on sprouting some seeds for the first time tonight; my other lovie used to really enjoy those. Oh, I was wondering if I can cut some grass out of my backyard for him to chew on? There aren't any pesticides or other chemicals in our yard. I'm also planning on building him a bird tree. Does anyone have any tips? And one final question...Can anyone tell me what color he is? This picture shows his color very well.


10-11-2006, 10:11 PM
Well, I'll probably be wrong, but he looks like a Dutch Blue to me. I'm not very good at genetics, but that's my guess;)

I wouldn't give him grass from the back yard, but you can give him wheat grass. I find this at my local organic grocery called Wild Oats, but if you don't have one of those, you should be able to find it at a health food grocery in your area.

Keep offering the fruits and veggies, but you might try different ways to serve it. The kabob didn't work well for my lovies either, they prefer things clipped to the cage, or in a dish. Mine prefer their veggies raw, but some do like them steamed, or cooked also. Eating some of what you are offering in front of them, and making yummy noises while doing so sometimes get their attention. Lovies are famous for wanted what you have, so this trick does work;)

Rather than a tree, you could buy or make a natural wood playgym. Mine is made of dragonwood, but you can also use manzanita, or some other hardwoods. See the list of safe/unsafe things in Robin's New Owner's guide in the Resource Library. I bought mine at a bird fair, but then again, I'm not very creative:rolleyes:

BTW, Squeak is a cutie pie, and we are going to need more pics:lol

10-12-2006, 12:38 AM
I cant offer you much advice since I am a novice right now with Lovebirds but, I do agree with Lori since Squeak does have the bluish tint to him. But, of course I am by no means even close to knowing anything about Genetics. So, Im sure someone else can shed some light on what Squeak really is!
Whatever color he is. He is Just Gorgeous!!! Very Striking and he look so sweet to! :) Welcome to the Forum!! :D and we Need to see some more Squeak Pictures!! ;)

10-12-2006, 08:19 AM
A good seed mix and then adding pellets to the birdie cornbread sounds good to me and that is the way I sneak the pellets in on my three. :D Don't give up on the veggies....some birdies take longer to try them than others. BTW, my three love the wheat grass and are overdo for a wheat grass party! :D I would not offer them grass from my yard even if it was not treated with chemicals.

I have no idea what color your bird is but it sure is adorable! :D

10-12-2006, 08:44 AM
I agree with Lori & Janie. Keep offering the veggies. Eventually, your lovies will try them and find out he likes them - like Mikey on the Life cereal commercial. Anyway, I give mine wheatgrass and I find it at a local market. They love it! I wouldn't give anything from my backyard. For one thing, I use & my neighbors use ant killer in our yards as well as fertilizer. When it rains, the rain comes into my yard which sits lower than my neighbors. So whatever they use comes into my yard as well :rolleyes:

Your lovie is just adorable! :D