View Full Version : 1 or 2, That is the Question?

10-11-2006, 11:21 PM
My Breeder is offering me two Lovebird babies for a great price. Soo, what do you guys think me as a beginner should do, just one? I think Most likely just one but, then again 2 Lovies lol..Sounds Great to me! Ahh! Decisions, Decisions! I know you cant make the Decision for me but, Many of you have alot more experience and I guess hearing a second Opinion Always Helps!! :)
I can always buy another Cage like the one I am getting in a couple weeks.

I went to a New friends house the other day I met where I work and her mother had a Fischer Lovebird in a nice big cage. and Of course we started talking about Lovies and she let her little boy out. He eventually perched on my finger and gave me a little nip on my hand(which didnt hurt at all). I just fell in love!! Very Tame and mainly wanted to be with his fidma! I just have never had hands on Experience like this with Lovies before and this was just, Great!! :D

10-11-2006, 11:40 PM
10. THAT is the answer.

Seriously, the question is best answered by your pocketbook. Do you have the funds to commit to vet care for two birds? If not, and they are pricey, keep your limit down to one birdie. You will be looking at upwards of $200 per bird/yearly in vet care, if your bird is healthy. If not, you may be spending over $1,000. The price of the bird and food is minimal in comparison to the cost of maintaining a healthy and happy pet.

Consider also the time you have to dedicate to their happiness. Two birds can be a handful if you have little time to keep an eye on them while they are out of the cage.

10-11-2006, 11:49 PM
I happen to feel that lovies benefit greatly from being able to interact with their own kind. However, I also do not house any of my lovies together, not only because I don't want them to have babies, but because I don't want them to bond so much with one another that they loose their tameness. So, if you do get both, I don't recommend putting them in the same cage (though I think you already knew that).

Two of my lovies are brother and sister from the same clutch, and I love the bond that the have. Their cages are side by side, and at night they both sleep huddled up to the side of the cage that is closest to the other. I think there are other members who have clutchmates as well. Janie I know does, and I am sure there are others.

Of course, a single lovey most likely will bond very strongly to you. I'm sure that the single lovey owners will highly suggest only one. For me, though, I enjoy watching my lovies interact with each other more, rather than have one that only interacts with me. And that's not to say they don't adore me. They still always want to be with me- all five of them, they constantly use me as a playgym.

Good luck with your decision, and let us know what you decide.

10-12-2006, 12:23 AM
You both have Great Points!!:)
I like the idea of having two because like Christine said it does give them a chance to play with their own kind instead of just me. And if I raise them together. (Not caged together) Then Im pretty sure this will be alot easier then deciding down the road that my lovebird needs another friend and trying to bond them!

I am wanting to get 2 males if at all possible. Most likely it is going to be the foster baby and one of the other babies. So, they wont be related. Would a foster baby count as being a Clutch Mate? Or is this just the original parents babies?

Looking at other aspects like Money. I do have money at all times saved up in the Bank. This money is mainly there for Emergency use only. Right now I have over $400 in there but, I add some from my Paycheck Almost Everytime I get paid. and I wouldnt hesitate to spend this on any of my pets at anytime.

I also have lots of time for them! I am doing college through a homeschool College and I dont work much and even If I did work 3-5days a week then I work nights for 5-7hours with which time, my father is home all the time since he doesnt work. He loves Birds and doesnt have a problem with me getting 2 at all. His favorite bird is a Lovebird and has always wanted one which was what started my search for one in the beginning lol But, after I began reading more and more about Birds(lovebirds) and meeting them along the way, I fell in love myself!! :rolleyes:

I will definately let everyone know my ending decision. Right now it looks like the baby is going to be coming here November 19th which will make the youngest baby 8weeks old But, that is only if they are ready. She said anywhere from 8-12weeks is when she lets them go. But, she is making a trip from Ohio-Florida Nov 19 and Im hoping they are ready cause she might be bringing him to me!! :D Which will save me around a 3hr trip!!
Would LOVE to hear more Opinions about this matter!!

10-12-2006, 12:57 AM
Breeder just emailed me back about The Nov 19th trip and she said they "Might" be ready by then, she said if Not then they should be on 1-2 a day feedings. She said If I absolutely want to then I can take him then and she can show me how to hand feed them but, I almost definately will not consider this. I guess I would be in the process of weaning my baby(s) and this scares me some ecspecially with the experience I have had..(none)
Like I told her I have all the time in the world to do this and 1-2feeings a day wont be to hard but still scary stuff for me!! :confused:

10-12-2006, 08:06 AM
Kelly, as far as deciding on one or two, Shy and Christine have given you good advice. You mentioned that you'd rather have two males and if that's the case, *I* would be sure before buying that is what you're getting if you do decide to get two. I fell in love with a little WF Violet at a bird fair (the one and only bird fair where my breeder sold birds) and I knew at that point that I wanted two the second time around since I already had Oliver, my mate. I figured two more could be caged together and always have each other and that hopefully they'd accept me, too. So, there were two at that fair, the WF Violet and it's clutch mate, a WF Blue. I told her I'd pay to have them DNA'd and that if both were males, I'd take them. Turned out that the WF Violet was a hen, the WF Blue a cock. I told her to keep my name and number and call me when the next clutch from the same parents was available. I am glad I waited and ended up with two males from the breeder and that worked out much better for me since Oliver was already here and he is a male. I think a single lovie can be a very happy little bird with enough love and attention but there is no doubt, lovebirds do (usually) like other lovebirds. No one can preen a lovie better than another lovie! :D But it is your call and it is more expensive to have two than one.

I guess that a foster chick in the same nest as the others would be considered a clutch mate but certainly not a sibling. :confused: As far as taking one or two before they are weaned, personally I would wait. Another couple of weeks really isn't that much longer to wait and hand feeding can be tricky. It can be done but I'd rather not do it unless there was no other choice.

10-12-2006, 06:11 PM
Kelly -- I think that at this point, it's best for you to think about what you can easily manage, time-wise and financially. More birds = more $$$, no matter how you look at it, even in the best of circumstances. If you have the financial resources, great. If you have the space to keep two cages, even better. And if you want the birds to bond to you, it might be best to keep or work with the birds in seperare rooms. Not necessarily forever, of course.

Like you, I'm trying to stick with male birds. Beetle is a male so I really don't want to risk an accidental mating with another lovie. That and I've had the WORST luck with female pets in the past, all costly reproductive issues :(

And FWIW, I'd wait until the birds have been weaned successfully. I've hand-fed wild birds in a rehab situation and while I was quite good at it, it's not something I'd want to do in a companion animal situation.

I wish you the best, chica... and have no doubt that the right lovie will find its way into your heart and home.

Keep us posted,


10-12-2006, 08:03 PM
I wouldn't ever consider buying birds that have not been fully weaned, and I don't think you should either. Baby birds can revert back to a pre-weaned stage shortly after coming to a new home, and that is bad enough.

I would be leary of a breeder who even suggested you be allowed to take home an unweaned bird. No reputable, caring breeder I have ever heard of would think of it.

Wait till the babies are weaned to take them home. You will feel much more secure with your new birdies if you do, and they have a better chance of growing up big and strong and healthy.

10-12-2006, 10:12 PM
Kelly, one of the newbies given his :2cents: on the matter at hand. First off I would say that you have already gotten good advice on wether or not to keep 1 or 2 lovies. All I will tell you is follow your heart and you will never be wrong. Secondly, I will agree with Shy, I would never buy or sale an unweaned baby. There are too many issues that can araise when an unexperienced person tries to handfeed and wean a baby bird. I personally have difficulties sometimes and I have raised and weaned hundreds of birds. Any breeder who would offer an unweaned baby should make you think and maybe reconsider adopting a bird from them. Again I will say follow your heart and it will be the right choice.

Best of Luck,
Brandon Porterfield, C.A.S.

10-13-2006, 01:03 AM
Janie, The babies come DNA'd. So this is 1 great thing!! :) They will be DNA'd here in the next few weeks.

I have no doubt in my mind that my breeder is a Good Breeder. Everyone has their own views on things although I have to agree that taking an Unweaned baby could turn into a disaster with a beginner like myself. She didnt offer this to me but, I asked some questions which eventually led up to this and she has been straight up honest with me about this and other things. She has told me the Advantages and Disadvantages of having 1 or 2 lovebirds and having all of your opinions is really helping with making my decision. She is happy either way to hold them until fully weaned or let them go on 1 to 2 feedings a day.

I thank you once again for all your help and concern. Everyone is great here and I value each and everyone of your suggestions!! :) I learn so much from here and I dont know what I would have done without this forum! :D

10-13-2006, 02:23 AM
Hey Kelly,

I just read the entire thread and have actually experianced both of your possible situations.

1. I recieved an unweaned lovie, which required 1-2 feedings a day. It went well for me, and I never handfed a lovie before this. I am the exception I believe. After posting, Linda (Flock Leader here) informed me that many problems can arise and that I was lucky. I believe this and would not recommend taking an unweaned lovie.

2. I have a pair of unDNA'ed clutch mates. They are by far my most friendly lovies. They are housed together. They love me, want to be on me all the time. They both are very attached to me and eachother. They are still however babies, 4months old, and I am not sure if this behaviour will last.

Just my :2cents:

No matter how many lovies you get, you will be a GREAT Mama.

10-13-2006, 04:49 AM
I will second the others on not getting a unweaned bird. To me the disadvantages out weight the good. As for the one verses two I would get two males myself if 2 birds is what you want. AS much as I loved having my bird Whisper born here it was nerve wracking having a baby bird so tiny. If you have alot of time to devote 2 birds can be alot of fun. I had 3 at one time and it took alot of time for cleaning,feeding,and playing. But was fun too. You could always start out with one and add another later on.


10-13-2006, 09:30 AM
I have decided not to get the babies while they are unweaned. Ive read and read and read lol untill I just cant read anymore. I have read some succesful great stories and while others werent to great. Although I think I can do it but, I need to think about the problems that could arise with the baby(s). I think I have made up my mind on getting 1 baby but, still thinking about it of course. I talked to my Fiance' and he seems to think 1 for now and I can always get another later. which was what I was thinking to. This will pretty much be my first bird, and I think I better take steps into this and not leaps lol..if that makes sense.

10-13-2006, 09:42 AM
Makes perfect sense, and sounds like wise reasoning to me. Good luck with things. :)

10-13-2006, 09:43 AM
No one can preen a lovie better than another lovie!
Sounds like you've got time to really think this through and that's terrific. I have a hen caged separately from my boys. My boys do preen each other (sometimes not gentley, we call that pruning). BUT I can't let my hen play out of the cage with the boys anymore. Ah-hem, preening is definitely NOT what they have in mind. >o
So, since the chicks will be DNA'd for you, I'd suggest two males. Males are usually more easy going with each other. There are times Peter & Luka bicker at each other, but they crawl in their happy hut together every night. :)

10-13-2006, 10:12 AM
I have All the time in the world lol...I dont work much since they cut back our hours for awhile and when im not working out or with my Fiance' Im right here reading about Lovebirds!! :) So, Im here ALOT...lol.....I also dont owe a deposit on the 2nd baby till this coming Thursday. So that gives me some time to really think things through on that to!! :)

and If I get two there is no doubt in my mind Im getting 2 Males! If there is one male and 2 females then I will just take 1 male and then the deposit will go onto the male Im getting. I just dont want any chance of having eggies. Maybe one day but, my situation is only allowing me to have pets not become a breeder. and I realize with a male and female it would be alot easier for me to just put them together and want eggs so, we will just cut that temptation to Zero lol and just have a male or 2 males!! :D
Thanks for everyones help!!! ;)