View Full Version : The Meyer's Parrot

Joanie Noel
06-08-2005, 11:23 AM
Ohhhhh man... Yesterday, Rob and I went to a Petland near us to look at puppies for the fun of it as usual, but there happened to be new birds there that they've never had. Some of the younger babies are still being incubated, but there are two cute-as-can-be Meyer's Parrots that are ready to be bought. I never saw this species until yesterday. I realized that I haven't even seen them at any bird fairs, and I've been to a lot now. (Some websites say that they are hard to breed in captivity, so that could have something to do with it.) It's wrenching at my heart how much I'd love to have one. I read that they are perfect apartment birds because they aren't loud and rarely screech! :eek: They are so chubby and make such cute sounds. I think $450 is a really good price considering the parrot lives 25-30 years!

I wanted to post a link for everyone to see what they look like, although they are much prettier in person. I think the first picture will draw a few smiles from the members of this forum. ;)

Meyer's Parrots (http://www.centralpets.com/photos/birds/parrots/photo_prt5883.html?rate=0&Page=3)

By the way -- I think someone needs to have a talk with my boyfriend to stop encouraging me to buy more birds. :( I'm going to have a total of 4 lovies by this weekend. I have 2 flight cages, 2 regular size cages, and 1 divided cage -- not to mention three carriers. :rolleyes: You guys weren't kidding when you said the bird fairs have some good deals. :eek:

~ Joanie ~

06-08-2005, 12:35 PM
Do your homework/research before you jump into this kind of purchase. You are looking at babies. Look into Meyer's Parrots as adults and see if you can find someone in your area or a breeder who can give you some cold, hard facts about this species. The very worst purchases are impulse ones.

06-08-2005, 12:56 PM
I have a friend that has two Meyers. Granted, her two are both rescued birds, but she does have a big issue with both of them biting as well as they are quite something when hormonal. I want every bird I see, so I'm one to talk :D , but if you really are interested in getting a Meyer's, definitely get to know an adult one too to see what to expect.

Joanie Noel
06-08-2005, 02:24 PM
Oh don't worry. I'm not really going to buy one. I just thought others who haven't heard of them might like to see what they are. I sound like I'd buy one on impulse, but I've learned my lesson on impulse buying. If I didn't have any lovebirds, then I probably would be looking more into it, but no way right now! :)

~ Joanie

06-08-2005, 04:35 PM
Hey Joanie,

I have seen them, and they are just adorable, especially the babies, but then again all the babies are just sooooo cute.

I may be a bit prejuduced, but if you ever think about going to a bit bigger parrot, the Green Cheek Conures are awesome little birds. Cappie is very sweet for the most part, but does get nippy when tired, he is also very quiet. Cappie talks a little, but it is very quiet and sounds like he is mumbling, too cute :)