View Full Version : Why does Peachy act this way????

10-15-2006, 06:52 PM
Ok, for a couple of weeks or so, I have had my adorable lovie Peachy. But recently, whenever one of my cats come to sit on me, or i pet them, she starts screaming bloody murder!!!:confused: why does she do that???i asked my mom, and she said it was becuase she believes that she owns me, and noone or nothing else does.But, she wont let me hold her!!!!Can anyone help me out to explain this???Thanks for the help!!!^^
Berona, age 16.(just so ya know.^^)

10-15-2006, 07:42 PM
It's possible that peachie is jealous. Ditto loves people and is friendly with almost everyone.... As long as nobody touches me. Touch me and that snuggly little yellow bird turns into a putbull and will try and remove your fingers. :eek:

She could also be warning you that you're about to be eaten by a cat! :eek:

10-15-2006, 09:14 PM
It is definitely a warning scream. Along with her possibly being a little jealous, she is most likely also aware that cats are predators, and she is freaked out by them. I know some people do let their cats and birds out at the same time, but the possibility of one of them killing Peachy is there, and just is not worth the risk IMO.

Along with the danger of a cat pouncing on her, they also have a bacteria in their saliva called pasturella that is deadly to birds. It's just for Peachy's safety that they should not be allowed out together.

10-15-2006, 09:26 PM
I dont know much about why your peachy is doing this but, I do agree with Lori. I would never let my dog or cat out with my bird. They are so small it is to much of a risk for many reasons.
TO get Peachy to know you more and Trust you I would try sitting by her cage and like ive read reading to her, singing to her, talking to her. Letting her get to know your voice as im sure she already know. If she is afraid of your hands when yous tart the Step up command on her then you can also use a Perch. :)

10-16-2006, 12:14 AM
Oh, ok. so there's acctually a possibility that she accepts me??? and is warning me about the cats?!!!!HAPPY DAY!^^:happy: and i always lock up the cats when i let Peachy out, when i was little, i let a cat out when a dog was out. i learned the hard way!:cry: oh well. And cat silivia is poisenous to birds?!!!:eek: i would never have guessed that!!!!

10-16-2006, 01:15 AM
Yes, She most likely accepts you but, It is just going to take Lots of time and Patience before you gain her trust.
If I were you i wouldnt reach into the cage at her I would make sure that the room she is in Is Completely Bird Proofed and all doors & Windows are securely shut. Then I would Teach her the Step-Up Command.
Read this Article. It gives you a pretty good explanation of the Step-up Command and how to do it. But, when she says Gently Press the Perch against the Birds Chest she means VERY Gently. Birds are very fragile and it is really easy to break or damage their bones.
I might try spending some more time with her before getting her out though and let her get to know you better.

If Peachy ever gets near you through the cage bars then you can try feeding her a treat through the cage bars in small pieces like Millet, or Avi Cakes. Something she really likes. Food, love, and Patience is the way to any animals heart IMO lol..
That is all my ideas Im not sure if they are completely right. Im trying to learn myself about this. Im sure some of the other members can help you to gain trust with your Peachy! :) Good Luck!

10-16-2006, 06:02 PM
Oh, thank you very much!!!! i will have to try that!!!and right now, i dont know her favorite food.i wish i did!!!!:lol oh well. I will work on this "step up" command.!!^^

10-17-2006, 02:42 PM
If Peachy is screaming and bouncing around the cage, then she is probably freaked out about the cat. And since she saw you with the cat she is probably a little unsure and now associates you with one. But I'm sure she will get over it and will learn to trust you as you work with her. When my friend visited with her dog, my birds did the same exact thing screaming like crazy and jumping around in their cage; they know what's scary.
Now as far as jealousy, with my experience, lovies will express their jealously rantings on the person/thing that get in their way. In my case, it's my boyfriend hehe. One day I'm sure Peachy will be protecting you from everything;)

10-20-2006, 04:59 PM
I have read that since cats carry many dorment diseases, it is very hazarous to handle a cat and then touch your bird specially if your cat goes outdoors, if I have someone come over to visit that has a cat I will ask them to wash their hands if they want to play with the bird. I will try to find the article, but below is something similar that I am referring to :

"So what is Toxoplasmosis?
Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasitic protozoan called Toxoplasma gondii. Feline infection by Toxoplasma gondii is fairly common, however we rarely see disease caused by this parasite (generally disease is see in kittens, the old, and immuno-compromised animals). The parasite is seen in three different forms: cyst, oocyst or tachyzoite. Most felines contract toxoplasmosis from meat that is raw and/or contaminated with any of the three stages of parasite. When a cat ingests such meat (raw meat, a rodent, other prey) that is infected with the parasite, the parasite moves to the wall of the small intestine where it will grow and mature. At this point the cat will excrete oocysts (in high numbers) in his/her feces. These oocysts are what is infective to other animals and humans (pregnant or not).



10-20-2006, 05:03 PM