View Full Version : Exotic animal auction in NY

10-16-2006, 12:43 AM
I saw this on another site, and it's just making me sick:


And more info (including a list of the animals being auctioned off):


10-16-2006, 01:25 AM
Eww Christine Im right there with you. It absolutely makes me sick to!
It makes you wish you could do something, but we always have to remember we cant save them all when it comes to things like this.
I think the responcible thing for them to do is Donate these animals to zoos, or places that wont kill them, and places that will take good care of them. If they really cared about their animals then they would have instead of just selling them to the highest bidder.:mad:
What horrible People!! >:

10-16-2006, 06:08 PM
>: >: >: >: WHAT AWFUL PEOPLE!!!!!!!How could they?!!!!thats just terrible!!!!Grrrrr....lets put THEM up for auction and see how THEY LIKE IT!!!!Grrr.....>: :mad: >: thats just awful, that makes me sick! and people wonder why i have no faith left in humanity!!!Geez!!!!!!!>: