View Full Version : now that wasn't so bad...

10-18-2006, 04:09 PM
My little green cheek Obie has the longest, pointiest, catchiest toenails ever. I have extremely sensitive skin, and any time I would handle her I would end up with little itchy red welts all over my hands for a few hours afterwards. Yesterday I went to do dishes after having her out with me for about an hour and MAN getting nasty dishwater in those welts STUNG SO BAD!!!

So Tyler and I held her in a towel, and I clipped each of her lil toenails back just a little bit, only enough to remove those sharp points! I was so nervous, I've never clipped nails on anything or anyone but myself before. She was SUCH a good girl, didn't try to bite or squirm too much and she didn't make any noise at all. When we were done she hopped back up like nothing had happened. No pouting or anything. She got a big millet stalk AND some papaya bits for that! Touching her wingies, though, that's a different story. I can't touch her wingies without the most gruesome screaming and bites!!

She can still grip everything just fine and climb good, but I can hold her on my hand without getting all pocked up. She has a conditioning perch in front of her veggie/treat bowl, and even though I see her on it several times a day it sure didn't help with those little nails!

10-18-2006, 04:24 PM
Awe, what a good girl! I haven't tried nail clipping - you're braver than me!:blush: Glad it worked well for you and I'm sure she enjoyed the millet and papaya feast!

10-18-2006, 05:00 PM
What is it with GCC's and long nails? :D When Lori's little guy was here, my arms were full of scratch marks. I counted 19 on one arm! :D She did put a conditioning perch in his cage immediately and that really helped.

Glad to hear that Obie handled the trim well! :)

Buy A Paper Doll
10-18-2006, 07:13 PM
Now what a good girl Obie is!

My lovebirds don't have long toenails but good Lord they catch on EVERYTHING. Milo did just fine, I trimmed a teeny tiny little bit and everything was much better. Melody, on the other hand ... um, she bites.

10-19-2006, 08:01 AM

Yep, those nails can be sharp, and Little Man's nails were like little needles:eek: I did file his nails down a bit(no easy feat), and that really helped. The best thing I got though was this new pumice perch. I'll put a link to one from Dr. F&S here so you can see what they look like, but I'm sure you might find some locally also. If not, hey, stock up when you order;)


10-19-2006, 12:09 PM
Lori, I haven't seen a perch quite like that one, and it would certainly be ideal for Obie. What size did you purchase? And how is little man settling in anyways?

Jennifer, I remember reading your thread about the umm, adventures of toenail clipping at your house! I used a very thin kitchen towel when holding Obie which worked great, we could tell how tightly we had her, and having a helper was definitely necessary! I couldn't have held her AND straightened out her lil toesies and gave them a trim unless I had at least 4 hands...

She seems happy as can be, now lets see what other treausures I can find from Dr. Foster & Smith...

10-19-2006, 12:34 PM

I got two sizes, small and medium. I think the small is a bit too small for the GCC's, but B&L use both. I just use the medium ones for Cappie and Little Man. I like them because they are smooth on the side their feet rest on, and then the sides have the pumice stone. They both seem to really like them. They are a bit pricey, but as always with things that I pay good money for, I think, "Well, these will last forever". Besides, I know when it comes to our birds, we will do without, just so they can have the "good stuff":rolleyes:

Little Man is settling in very well. He really loves my hubby, but is also very social with other people. He and Cappie have been introduced, and that is going to take awhile it seems. That's OK though, we got time:)

Little Man is a blast. He will run up your arm, go under your neck, roll over, throw his feet in the air, and make the cutest little squeal noise. I think he's saying, "Weeeeeee, let's play":rofl: He just cracks me up:lol