View Full Version : Update on Biscuit

10-18-2006, 07:16 PM
I have to confess.. i get jealous whenever anyone from the group talks about how their fids allow them to scratch their heads... well that was until Biscuit came over and asked for a head scratch herself this morning:happy: I am so glad Biscuit is becoming more and more tame by the week:p When she grows her flights back, I think I'm ready to allow her a little bit more flight>o

10-18-2006, 07:21 PM
Hey, Mandy
That's a wonderful update!!! I'm glad things are going well for you and Biscuit! A trust relationship takes time but it's worth all the effort once it happens. :)

10-18-2006, 07:35 PM
WooHoo!! See Biscuit, head scritches are great :D Keep it up girl :happy:

Buy A Paper Doll
10-18-2006, 09:34 PM
Aw, isn't it nice to give a head scritch every now and then? I have to admit, I miss giving them myself.

Milo used to come to hubby and me for head scritches. Then I got him a pet bird of his own. Now they preen each other and nobirdy wants head scritches.

10-19-2006, 07:57 AM

I am so glad that you posted this update. These mean the world to new fid owner's who come here, as it is proof that all the time,love,and patience does pay off in time.

Give that little Biscuit a skirtch for me:happy:

10-22-2006, 09:54 AM
Thank you all... my next step will to to actually poopy train her... any suggestions?

10-22-2006, 02:09 PM
Trixie was easy. Once You and your love develop a relationship that enables lots of velcro buddy time you might try what worked for us.

Karen bought Trixie a Microwave cart on wheels and we put a couple of gyms on it. One on top and one on the middle section.

Because Trixie prefers to hang out on my shoulder without having to step in poopies, he started jumping over ot the gym periodically to relive himself on the paper.

After that I just set a piece of paper on the desk where we spend most of our time, and if the gym isnt available he jumps over to the paper :)

I think the key for Trixie is that he was spending A LOT of time on my shoulder so if I were to do it again, I would do it the same way.

I would love to take credit for this, and I think we got lucky, meaning the bond was solid and he was spending alot of shoulder time before we made the gym available.

Hope this helps! :)

Maybe some of the other people can help too :)