View Full Version : Updates on the baby front...

06-08-2005, 09:07 PM
Well I thought Id better let everyone know all the news with the babies...
Ono' went to his fidma's on the 28th May, and is spoild rotten, he loves to stand on their heads and nibble their ear -lobes, my M.I.L said when she told him "No' he latched on like there was no tomorrow :o Their 1st experiance at the "lovebite"! :D
Rose went to her new home the same weekend, her new owner said she has a unique wee personality, and has her side by side with a dutchblue fella who lost his mate last year. :D
Jebus has been inside sice Ono' left, getting all snuggly and ready for his new owner, she will be arriving on Saturday to collect him, making a 2 hour drive for him, thats what I like to see! :D
I stll have wiggles, Gem & Mini', but I am in no hurry, I have had lots of interest, so when the right one comes along Im sure they will find wonderful homes too!
Well... Milly & Milligan are sitting on 2 fertile eggs out of the 4(same as last time) the first are due to hatch within the next few days, all dangly things :p fingers and toes crossed for these two please.
Amp & Bluetwo have 4 eggs all fertile :D
Sky and Ozzy so far have 3 eggs, so we will have some more pallids and palliino's to try & figure out! :D
Its now winter here, not too bad though, my washing has been drying on the line, thats the main thing :p

Ill keep you posted!!

06-08-2005, 09:56 PM
Heya Nicky :)

Glad to hear things are going well... I'm still looking forward to that someday when I'll get to see all your birdies and you in person! (But I'll forewarn you... you'll need to do a fidcount when I leave :p )


06-08-2005, 10:07 PM
Hey Rach...Whats a few fids between friends :D

Ill be putting up new pics sometime today too! :D

06-13-2005, 12:35 PM
Hiya Nicky!

Glad to hear all is happy on your bird-front :) I keep meaning to e-mail you and keep in touch, but life's been crazy, and I don't have the internet at home and at work I'm always doing a thousand things at once!

I am still coming to NZ, landing in Aukland on September 1st! I start teaching on the 5th, so hopefully 5 days is enough to get me acclimated and at least a wee bit settled :)

I will try to do better at keeping in touch, I promise!


06-13-2005, 09:57 PM

I think that is great:
landing in Aukland on September 1st! I start teaching on the 5th, so hopefully 5 days is enough to get me acclimated and at least a wee bit settled

My oh my, you're brave! It'd take me a couple days to adjust to the time difference! I really hope you keep us posted on your adventure! It'd be great for you to hook up with Nicky, too!

06-13-2005, 10:12 PM
Yep, just let me know when you need some "Fid-therapy" Ill be more than willing to let you borrow one or two ;)
If these Lutino chicks make it (even to hatch would be nice!) they will be nice & plump by the time you arrive, 12 weeks old to be exact... Fancy that! :p
Ill e-mail all my details soon :D