View Full Version : Lovebird Antics

10-19-2006, 09:33 PM
They're hilarious to watch, aren't they?

Mine's morning activity for today:

Charge bell once, twice, three times, climb up ladder, over to food bowl, beak sprouts, shuffle across perch, fly to other perch, fly back, charge Birdy Buddy, hop to floor, scratch around, fly up to other food bowl. Eat. Fly to branch with food in beak, realise beak is full and can't chew branch, fly back to perch, drop food, charge Birdy Buddy, climb to top of cage, hang upside down. Twitter. How do I get down? Climb to side of cage and down to food bowl, beak sprouts, climb down ladder, back up to food bowl, try to open and close the door just for the fun of making noise, eat a sprout, shuffle over to other food bowl, eat some corn, clean corn off beak, fly to other perch, fly back. Eat. Shuffle along perch, hop down, fly up to other perch, miss, hang on with beak, fall, chirp, ruffle feathers, look about to see that nobody was watching.

Buy A Paper Doll
10-19-2006, 10:24 PM
Yeah, that sounds about right! :lol

I caught Melody really tearing into a foot toy that dared to be on the bottom of her cage this morning. She reminded me so much of the video Jackie posted of her Olivia, going after her toy ball - just VICIOUS! She picks it up and runs with it, dragging it across the cage bars to make rattling clanging noises, then she runs and pushes it along the floor with her beak, before finally kicking it across the cage.