View Full Version : How can one little bird eat so much!

10-20-2006, 06:33 PM
I get home from work around 5pm. Ditto comes out so we can get his veggies ready. Usually 6-8 sugar snap pods, shredded carrots, brocoli and a leafy veggie. Then we fill his avi-cake/nutriberry bowl (4 avi-cake squares, a few fruity nutriberries, 3 each of the parrot sized garden veggie and el-paso nutriberries). Then he goes in and digs in, hopping from bowl to bowl until his 6:30 naptime (eating is hard work :rofl: ).

Then I have Dinner at 8 and he eats again. At 9 he comes out to watch tv with me and since the weather got cooler this week he'll go back to the cage for more food. All week it's been at least 2 avi-cake squares and a nutriberry in about 45 minutes! :eek: It defies the laws of physics how one little bird can stuff that much in that little body! :rofl:

He did learn one thing last night though. If you're flying full speed ahead with an avi-cake in your beak, don't make a sudden 90 degree turn or the avi-cake will break off and keep going in the direction you were flying and you'll be left with just a crumb when you get to the couch. >:

10-25-2006, 11:16 PM
Remember the phrase "She eats like a bird" meaning she doesn't eat much.
BUT I read where wild birds eat twice their weight in food a day to survive. (Not sure I believe that)
Sounds like Ditto is trying to really do that. Does Ditto have a nickname :whistle:

10-25-2006, 11:26 PM
Echo is my little eating machine! Doesn't matter what time he was last at his food bowl. If he sees something that he wants, he will turn flips until he gets a piece of whatever he sees! With the amount of food he consumes, he should be the size of a macaw!!

10-26-2006, 05:19 PM
Does Ditto have a nickname :whistle:

He's got plenty of niknames:

Yella Fella, squeaky beak, flyboy, cheepy dude, and lately, chowhound! :rofl:

10-26-2006, 05:40 PM
Brings to mind the old saying, "eats like a bird!" :D Birds, pet and wild do eat a lot.

10-26-2006, 05:53 PM
I was just reading an article about canaries that said something to the effect of them needing to eat quite a bit as singing uses a lot of energy.

Lovies may not sing like a canary but are they ever active!

You've got to try to get a photo of Ditto flying with good in his beak, Dave. That's TOO funny!


10-26-2006, 06:00 PM
I was just reading an article about canaries that said something to the effect of them needing to eat quite a bit as singing uses a lot of energy.

Lovies may not sing like a canary but are they ever active!

You've got to try to get a photo of Ditto flying with good in his beak, Dave. That's TOO funny!


Getting a picture of that would not be easy. It only takes him about 2 seconds to get from the cage to the couch. Plus when he see's the camera, it's showtime!!!! :rofl:

10-26-2006, 11:36 PM
That little guy is such a hoot! I'm impressed he can maintain flight after all that! :lol I wish Nip would go for veggies and the camera so well. I pull out the veggies, she looks at it and back at me like "What? You don't expect me to EAT that stuff!" and then there's camera. . .:eek: