View Full Version : Lovie very clingy

10-23-2006, 11:52 AM
Hello all - I have had my love for only a little over a week. He was hand fed and socialized very well. My issue is that he only wants to cling to me - no playing, no exploring his new environment - he wont even sit anywhere on his own like on his playstand. If I put him on his stand he jumps off and makes his way right back to my shoulder. He is still very young ( he still has a lot of 'black' on his beak). Have any of you had this issue? How long did it take before your lovie was confident enough play, etc.? Thanks!

10-23-2006, 01:21 PM
Your lovie is young and is still unsure of his surroundings. He may do this for a few months. He needs to feel confident in exploring without "his human" and this may take a while. Sounds like he is about 3 or 4 months old, if that. He's still very much a baby so treat him as such cause he may not be this clingy later (I miss this stage). You can see if he will explore around when you are sitting still. He may want to hold on to your fingers or hand while he ventures out a bit. Hope this helps you. :)

10-23-2006, 02:17 PM
Awww, he sounds precious. I agree completely with Jackie. Enjoy this phase because you'll see the terrible twos in no time. My youngest is a hen who's 1+ years old now. She went through that phase and now I'd love for her to settle down with me and have quiet time.

10-23-2006, 02:48 PM
Thanks to you both:) I will take your advise and treasure the loviness now! This is the most wonderful bird ever! He/she is still unnamed as the perfect name hasn't hit me yet..although I was thinking of naming him 'Cro' as in vel'cro'..haha!

10-23-2006, 05:18 PM
Some never outgrow it. Ditto is almost 4 years old and is still glued to me. :eek:

10-23-2006, 06:30 PM
Do you have any pictures of that sweet baby? We love pictures :D You can post them in the Photo Gallery for all to see.

10-23-2006, 07:39 PM
pictures, pictures, pictures!!

10-23-2006, 10:10 PM
Sounds just like my Kiwi. Got him/her back from the handraiser (I have the parents) and Kiwi is the same way, like glue to me. My shoulder or head, won't go near the cage top/gym etc. Will go fly onto a Happy Perch on the bathroom mirror but right back to me. Seriously clingy and I wondered if something was wrong, as I heard other handfed birds were content to play on their own.

10-24-2006, 07:34 AM

Sounds like a sweet little velcro birdy to me:)

You can try and show him how to play with toys. Some birds just don't know what they are for until you show them, but he does sound like he's still just a Mama's baby. A little ball with a jingle bell inside gets allot of fids(feathered kids) attention, so that might be one to try. Also a toy with vegetable tanned leather strips are a favorite for little ones to nibble on.

Sung him up, before long he'll be busting at the seams to explore, and you'll miss that little snuggle buggie;)

10-24-2006, 07:53 AM
Some never outgrow it. Ditto is almost 4 years old and is still glued to me. :eek:

Same here. All three of mine would like to spend the day on me.....but not with the other two there at the same time! :D Oliver was always a velcro bird and the plan was that Shy & Big Boi would tolerate me but not want to be on me.....didn't work! When I go through the bird room to get out to the back yard I have to walk fast and tell them to back off boys! They sit in that lunge position, always ready to get to momma! :rolleyes: There are days that it drives me nuts! :whistle:

10-24-2006, 11:18 AM
Thanks for all the fun replies! I will get some pics posted soon. I just took some adorable ones this past weekend. Best wishes:)