View Full Version : Is it possible...

10-25-2006, 05:51 AM
... for a once bonded pair to 'divorce'? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but Bubble seems to be spending alot of time with a certain toy and less time with Squeak. Squeak, previously the shy skittish one, seems to be seeking out more attention from me. For instance, frequently when I go to put my hand into their cage for some general maintenance, she'll step up without being told to. They also seem to be fighting more - not serious fights, just noisy squabbles, but more often than normal. Can a bonded pair decide they were wrong about each other?


10-25-2006, 07:46 AM
Tania, how old are they and how long have they been together?

10-25-2006, 08:03 AM
They are each a year old and have been together for as long as I have known them - 8 months or so I would say. They were sold to a neighbor as a bonded pair and then she gave them to me about 5-6 months ago.

They still sleep all cuddled up together, so maybe I'm just being paranoid.

10-25-2006, 09:07 AM
Birds will squabble. One of my bonded pairs, George and Gracie, go through periods of more fighting. It's usually initiated by Gracie, but it could be that George gets on her last nerve!

Sometimes adding an extra food dish helps them quiet down. At least if gives George a chance to eat. When she really doesn't want him around, though, she will chase him around the cage all day long. That's when we separate them into their own cages for a while, during the day.

Try different things. If the toy eventually causes friction and fighting between your birds, you might want to take it out. And take advantage of Squeak's willingness to bond with you. :) If Bubble sees Squeak spending time with you, Bubble will want to see what it's all about.

Best wishes, :)

10-25-2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Tania,

I have two bonded lovebirds in one cage (age 9 months old) and two bonded lovebirds in another cage (age 3 1/2 years and 9 months old). They often prefer me to their mate. They also like time alone on their play centre. So I respect this, and give them time alone with me and time alone on the play centre. Both of my females really seem to like their time alone. I find all the birds get along better when they have been given their own space and time for a short while. Hope this helps.