View Full Version : Bad fighting update...

10-26-2006, 09:35 AM
Cont from my post about a cage of 2 parents and 5 fid kids fighting...

Well we have managed to get the spare cage habitable and separated the parents, BUT, as I was at the pet shop getting new pots/swing etc there must have been an almighty fight, its the first time we have left them alone in the house in about 4 or 5 days:rolleyes: ...and I come back to the younger hen with a big bald patch round her ear..it looks like the skin has been bruised all around her ear as well but thank god no bleeding or cuts...

She seems fine and is eating and drinking well (and shredding and tucking now she has paper back, I took it all away to try and stop the fighting!) so I shall keep an eye and take her to the vet tomorrow if needs be. She will still come to me and has let me have a good look without biting me (and she is a bad biter) so I think shell be okay now she has the cage to herself (well, and 4 boys, the tart)

Now my sitting room has 4 cages in:omg: :omg:

10-26-2006, 01:03 PM
Hi Rowena;

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you're getting that cage none too soon. :eek: Hope the little hen is doing okay. Do you have any triple-antibiotic ointment you can put on the wound?

Take care,

10-26-2006, 02:54 PM
We actually have some left over from the last big fight they had (an eye got gouged:omg: ...such well behaved birds we have....!)

They have been separated for about 5 hours now and things have got a lot calmer, apart from some heckling at first from the original cage :lol

Have managed to have a look at the injury, it just looks like a big bruise now the swelling has gone down so might hold off on the vet if it keeps getting better......she's had lots of gack to make her feel better!

Thanks for advice, I think you guys may have saved another of my babies!