View Full Version : oh goodness i'm in trouble now!

10-29-2006, 08:15 PM
this little guy was just listed on craigslist. OMG he is PRECIOUS!!


I don't need another parrot, right????

10-29-2006, 08:30 PM
Right Mandy, you don't NEED another parrot, but you sure WANT one !!!!


10-29-2006, 08:33 PM

I do believe you have experience. I also believe you are in the Anchorage area. I also believe that if you want something bad enough, it does become a need;)

10-29-2006, 08:46 PM
Uh oh -- If I were up there, I'd be tempted myself! :D Wonder why they are parting with him?

10-29-2006, 09:08 PM
While you may not need another parrot, this lovie needs a good home and he would have that with you! I know. I'm no help at all........... :rolleyes:

10-29-2006, 09:16 PM
I'm no help, either, but this is practically at your back door! :p If you have the time and means, I say go for it, especially if it really is the age they say and hand-tame. I'd certainly want to have an a.vet look at it before you make a final determination, though. Best wishes and keep us posted! :happy:

10-29-2006, 09:30 PM
Good Reminder, Deb...
Yep, Mandy, I think this one has your name all over it :)
Good Luck !

10-30-2006, 09:55 AM
Awwww Mandy, you can't pass this up. Being the good birdie mom you are :D He's gorgeous!

10-30-2006, 11:50 AM

Silly me wrote to ask some questions and she sent more photos.

The first two were this little lovie preening her green cheek conure.

I guess she's giving him up because she just moved to an apt. and doesn't have room for him with her other birds. She sent me a whole list of interview questions that I have to answer correctly before I even visit the bird (questions about diet, sleeping habits, out of cage time, etc)...it shows that he must be VERY well cared for and loved.

$160 for the bird, cage, toys, etc.

My heart goes out to the little guy and I KNOW if I met him I would be smitten. BUT I need to give the matter a LOT more thought. I'm moving back to Montana in 2 months to finish school, and taking Obie with me. The thought of trying to move TWO birds in Alaska in January is just not very logical.

And Obie...I just don't know how she would react to a second bird. She is almost 6 months old now, and just starting her molt. I know her adult colors are going to be gorgeous, as each new feather that comes in is so strikingly different than the ones she already has. She's mischevious too, she figured out how to open her cage AND take my glasses off in the same day. Now she's working on figuring out how to dump the food bowls. She gets stubborn and nippy, but we're working on that. She loves cuddling with Tyler because he has a beard, and she will just snuggle up under his chin with the cutest lil smile. She also insists on "helping" with whatever I'm doing, be it fixing her food, or brushing my teeth... I'm just afraid to disrupt that harmony.

Definitely need to give it a lot more thought...

10-30-2006, 02:35 PM
Usually when adopting, there is understood to be a trial period - 2 weeks or so. Maybe you can see how it is going after 2 or 3 weeks and re-evaluate then. You should have a pretty good idea by that time if it's going to work out or not.

There's always room for one more! If AK wasn't so far away from PA, I'd be all over that pretty birdy!

10-30-2006, 03:13 PM
Oh, that bird is PRECIOUS!

I don't have advice, Mandy... other than to say that follow your heart. Whatever you decide will be the best for you, Obie and the wee lovie, I'm sure.


10-31-2006, 01:21 PM
i wrote her also, but i live in montreal canada, so i have no idea how i would get him. she says she can't keep him in her new apt, but i don't think i could ever give up kiwi for anything. :omg: i hope she finds someone for him that will love him forever. if not, i may be making a trip to anchorage :eek: he is too adorable! mandy - how's your decision going????????????;)