View Full Version : uh-oh...

10-30-2006, 08:33 PM
So, I'm here sitting at my desk working on some games and am in a single dead focus, not paying attention to anything around me. Slowly, a steady, consistent vibrating click is coming from the cage, and it finally causes me to check on Amadeus and Archimedes. When I look over, Archimedes is standing with wings spread, prancing in a circle, with the :eek: showing, and Amadeus is right behind, trying to rub his :eek: on Archimedes's. Now...all in all, I think Archimedes is a female bird, and I think my lovebirds are living up to their name, which would explain the paper shredding, Archimedes's constant defense of the cage, and the recent defense of the domed food bowls I bought to save myself chronic vacuuming (potential nest environment big time). Or, my birds are gay, which is fine because it's their choice. But, any and all help is greatly appreciated while I go read my lovebird books in the meantime :eek: :eek:

10-31-2006, 11:02 PM
Do you have a cozy hut or box in the cage? If you do and don't want babies, I'd say get it the heck outta there. If not, and you don't have any eggs yet, I'd let them enjoy these happy moments but not encourage it with any additional shreddables unless you want to be awakened every hour for handfeedings and lots anxiety over cute little babies in the near future. Best of luck on that....:rofl:

11-01-2006, 08:33 AM
If you want them to stop doing the dance, you could clean out and rearrange the cage, then move it to another room. That'll put 'em off for a while. They must really feel safe and comfy in their current location, so you could appreciate that fact too. :)

11-01-2006, 11:18 AM
I removed the domed food bowls and plan to have those donated immediately to my girlfriend's flock, and switched to flat, open bowls. I'm still very ignorant to bird mating, so a few questions: If there dance has been successful, how would I be able to tell, and also, what would I need to provide? I'd prefer it very much if they didn't make cute little ones right now, because in honesty I'd be hard to devote the proper care to a small little clutch, but if it's too late it's too late and I will adjust accordingly. Anything I should be watching for? I do know Archimedes has been a lot less aggressive with Amadeus, and they'll even eat together now, as well as share toys.

11-01-2006, 10:15 PM
I do know Archimedes has been a lot less aggressive with Amadeus, and they'll even eat together now, as well as share toys.

A little time alone may be good for your birds. I find my birds want time alone now and then. I really encourage this when they are out of the cage.