View Full Version : Moving away.. to university!

10-30-2006, 10:59 PM
Next year I'll be preparing to leave for university. I know my family will miss me a lot -- and I'll miss them back, but I am only really worried about my lovebird. His name's Bango and I've had him since the end of grade 7. I tamed him and take him out for at least an hour every single day since then. But not that it's time for me to move out, I am very anxious about how he'll take it. Nobody else plays with him like I do, my mom sometimes takes him out (maybe once a month) for 15 minutes or so, and she's the second closest that he's to. I really have no idea what's going to happen when I leave. My mom says she will take him out, but I'm very worried that he'll start missing me.

What should I do? I can't take him with me, but I dont want him to end up depressed because I'm gone.. ANy help/advice would be greatly appreciated

10-31-2006, 08:04 AM
It is hard to tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I would do in your situation. It sounds as if you have Bango's best interest at heart, and that is where my suggestion comes from.

If your Mom really wants to keep Bango, she needs to commit to being a full time bird owner. As you know, this means everyday interaction, changing food and water dishes, wiping down the cage, cleaning it thoroughly periodically, and taking Bango to the vet ASAP if needed.

If she is committed to that, that's wonderful, if not, do you know anyone else that would be willing to give Bango a semi-permanent home? Someone that will allow you visitation, or possibly keep him until you graduate? Maybe someone else in your family? These are just a few thoughts, as I know you want Bango to continue being cared for, and loved the same way you have cared, and loved him for years.

Also, have you checked with your school to see if you can have a bird there? I ask because we do have a couple of members whose school allows a bird, just not dogs, or cats. If living in a dorm, and they will allow a bird, I would assume this would have to approved roomate wise also, but worth checking into if you have not done so yet.

Good luck in your decision. If you Mom has said she will care for Bango, I'm sure she will, but I know you want to make sure it's the care, and attention he deserves. Just confirm that with your Mom, and see how it goes. If she finds in the future it's more than she wants to deal with, you can look for another solution at that time also.

10-31-2006, 09:44 AM
I am so sorry. I'm sure that when you got your lovie in 7th grade, University was a long way off.....and now it's almost here. The very reason I ended up with my first lovebird, Oliver, was because his former owner was going off to college and her situation was much like yours. Her mother and father were not going to spend time with him so she had been looking to re-home him and I just happened to drop by their house the day they were leaving to take her to college. I'd never seen a lovebird till that day. I found this board, read for days and made my decision to adopt him. He was already a very friendly bird and the transition to our home was a piece of cake. We've had Oliver for over three years and I don't know of a lovebird anywhere who is more loved and cared for than he is with us. While giving your lovebird away would be very, very hard for you, it might be the best thing for him unless you can connivence your mom that he needs daily time out and attention. Oliver's former owner drops by to see him a couple of times a year and it's a sweet reunion but he is 100% my bird and that is obvious. He is nuts about me and this really was the best situation for him. Laura, his former owner, thanks me over and over for taking him and loving him so much.

Good luck in what ever you do. University is a very exciting time in your life and I know that your worries over Bango are making it very hard for you.