View Full Version : Yuck

11-03-2006, 08:16 PM
Martha has been feeding his/her toy. It's starting to smell and looks terrible. What should I do? Leave it in there and clean it every couple of days, or should I take it out? Thanks for reading!

11-03-2006, 08:25 PM
Sounds like Martha may actually be Marty! Male lovebirds are known for feeding objects, but I've never had a female do it!! :) If you remove the toy, Martha will simply find something else to grace with her "offerings." My best suggestion is to just clean the toy and return it. To do othewise is an exercise in futility.

11-03-2006, 08:46 PM
Great, Thank you. I know, I looked it up and I am almost positive that Martha is a boy, but my parents and I decided that we will just call him, her anyway. Thanks!:D

11-03-2006, 10:25 PM
Wash it and replace it. Duplicates are best in this situation. I have two that are doing the same thing do I bought two of "the objects of their affections" so that I can wash them and switch them out. :D This is very normal behavior in lovebird puberty. ;)