View Full Version : Yet another tamming thread.

11-03-2006, 09:47 PM
Hey guys I got my love bird about 1 month ago and I need help on which step to start with next. I have gotten him to sit on a perch with me holding it, I have gotten him to fly out of his cage and go back in when he wants. And he is startingto take food from my hand. I cant yet hold him yet becuase he goes crazy. But what should I do next? I am getting his wings clipped in a week, will that make a big diffrence when tamming, and will it help alot?


11-03-2006, 10:07 PM
Sounds like you are making great progress, nice job. It do take time, don't it! I think wing clipping does help because they are more dependent on you for a lift up, thereby increasing the trust factor. Still, don't expect too much too soon. Clipping also makes it less likely for them to hit ceiling fans or perch in the highest, most remote spot in the house! :lol Seriously, they are much easier to catch when needed. Mine always pout and look despondent a day or two because of it>:, I'm sure I would, too, but they soon adjust. If you have dogs or cats, be sure to keep the birds in a safe enclosure during playtime because they can't maintain much flight once clipped. :eek: I have two dogs and manage fine, but I am always very cautious to be sure the door is completely closed. As far as what next, I'd just focus on spending time talking sweetly to them when they are in and out of the cage. The more you do this, the more comfortable they become with you. Are they eating any veggies?

11-03-2006, 11:06 PM
No he is eating no veggies right now, but what is good for him to eat? Just a second ago he almost steped up on my finger. So I am really happy with my progress. And one last question, I have tons of legos can I make toys for him with those?

11-03-2006, 11:52 PM
Legos...I miss those daze with my kiddo. Hmm, I'd certainly avoid the little tiny pieces. Their beaks are so strong, it is amazing what they can annihilate! If it is questionable, I would only use those when monitoring during out-of-the-cage playtime, but others may have better advice. The safest toys are rope toys and I usually remove the bells and chains as they can choke or get caught in them. I feed my birds a small amount of tiny pellets mixed into a larger amount of Kaytee seed mix for small parrots, and I add a pinch of dried, pre-packaged greens. As for fresh veggies, my birds like lettuce and carrots and I have read on several threads that some like the stem of broccoli, snap peas and Kale, but I haven't introduced all those yet. I rinse the veggies really well so there is no pesticide. They also like apples and grapes, but since fruits are high in natural sugars I give those in limited quantities. Since some birds get freaked over new things, it can take repetition for them to start eating veggies and I show them it is food by nibbling some myself and saying, "Yum, yum!" You'll find lots more food info here:


...as well as under the dietary section of the Lovebirds Resource Library.