View Full Version : Four are gone

11-06-2006, 03:33 PM
My sister's friend from Arkansas came to visit this past weekend. She was going to check out some of my favorite shops for some lovebirds to pair with her new Opalines.

Not all the shops here have complete DNA results on the birds in their shops....so sis told her about my babies and they came to visit.

My flock has grown with all the new additions I've made recently. I have the results from DNA tests on Mollie's offspring and I have had an abundance of hens and only one male. Some of my girls will be a year old Thanksgiving and the others in February.

Peggy's friend was impressed with the comparative size of our little hens. She selected two Normal Greens and two Dutch Blues. The NGs will be bred to her new Opaline cocks. She will use the Dutch Blues with a Creamino SF Violet and a Pied.

So Ponti, Slasha, Cutie and Lovie Dovie are headed to Little Rock. Remember how Cutie is missing the ends of her toes...well when she snuggled in Meg's pocket for a nap, Cutie was not to be left behind.

My little girls are healthy and big and very social. They will make some lovely mamas. I sent them with their little cozys and Meg promises to send pictures.

My hubby sighed in relief and I wiped away some tears. :cry:

11-06-2006, 03:40 PM
Oh Kathryn, I can only imagine how hard it is to let one go, much less four! I'm glad they've found a good home where they'll soon be introduced to the new men in their lives. :D So glad that Cutie got to go, too. :)

11-06-2006, 06:17 PM

I can only imagine how your heart must have broken, but I'm sure it was some help knowing what a good home they are going to.

I do not envy those who breed, as I don't know if I could take the heartache of letting the babies go. I'm glad there are those of you out there that raise such sweetie pies. I'm sure this lady feels very blessed to have found your babies.



11-06-2006, 09:37 PM
Hi, "neighbor," my heart goes out to you. >o Sounds bittersweet to be sure. I only know how it is to release wildbirds after a rescue, I can't imagine what you must be feeling. On the other hand, it is nice that you have a connection through your sis and hopefully Meg will join us here and share all the latest on their progress.:whistle: You have a busy household right now, don't 'cha?! Birdies adopted, birdies placed with a loving family...never a dull moment. ;)

P.S. :grouphug: