View Full Version : What do your lovies do and what do you think it means?

11-11-2006, 05:37 PM
I have noticed some behaviour that is fairly common amoung my lovebirds. I can imagine that all of yours probably do these same things. For me, I have in my mind decided what each actions means. I may be wrong and you guys probably either know what these actions mean, or you have your own ideas...please share.

#1. Stretching out wings and extending leg slowing down the underside of the wing: I call this 'pretty bird'. They all do this when I am talking to them while they are in the cage or when I first take them out. I am thinking that they are thinking "yep I am a pretty bird, look at me!"

#2. Running back and forth along the bottom of the cage, really fast, and for a long time: "come on momma, let me out...let me out...I wanna come see you...let me out"

#3. Sitting on a perch (or head in they're cuddle cozy) eyes closed, chirping to themselves: at first I thought this was 'talking in their sleep' but I don't really think they are sleeping. I am thinking this is the 'I'm a little birdie and I love to hear myself' sort of thing. It is funny for a little while, then it's like...what the heck are you doing???!!!

There are more that I can't think of right now....but these are everyday activities for my flock...

11-11-2006, 06:23 PM
#1. Stretching out wings and extending leg slowing down the underside of the wing: I call this 'pretty bird'. They all do this when I am talking to them while they are in the cage or when I first take them out. I am thinking that they are thinking "yep I am a pretty bird, look at me!"

Ditto does that after he wakes up from a little nap. He even holds his breath when he does it and lets out a big sigh as he finishes (well it sounds closer to a sneeze but you get the idea). :rofl:

11-11-2006, 06:40 PM
I remembered another one.

#4. Beak Grinding: I think this means, I am happy and I love you. This usually happens when one of the are on me, very comfortable and warm.

I think I will watch and listen more closely Dave. I haven't heard mine hold their breath I don't think....

11-11-2006, 07:28 PM

Mine do the wing stretch with the foot, and I also call this "Pretty Bird". In fact, when Cappie does it, I do the wolf whistle, and say "Pretty Bird", then Cappie says, "Pretty". Little man will also say pretty sometimes. My lovies however will look at me with a cute little look, and then I say again, "Pretty Bird", then they will do the little fluff up, and chirp. Yep, I think they are saying "I know I am" too:lol

11-11-2006, 09:20 PM
1: I've noticed something Mango does when we go to visit my parents house:
Pacing/jumping around chirping and looking concerned, going from my arms to my shoulder staring at me and chirping almost like a whine means 'mom I really really really just want to go home' or 'i'm tired and i just want to go home, hurry hurry.' Kodi on the other hand could care less and just snuggles up in a nook all comfy.

2: The second I get home I open up the bird cage. Both Mango and Kodi jump out as usual. Mango constantly 'yell' chirps and follows me around. He eventually settles onto the table which has their seed plate, which Kodi has done patiently this whole time, still chirping with constant head bobbing means 'hurry up we really want some seeds, we love the seeds, get us the seeds now!' hehe He even lets me know when I forget to get their nice water dish too.

So weird how well I can read my little Mango. Kodi seems to be content where ever she is. I must have spoiled him? :rofl:

11-11-2006, 09:25 PM
2: The second I get home I open up the bird cage. Both Mango and Kodi jump out as usual. Mango constantly 'yell' chirps and follows me around. He eventually settles onto the table which has their seed plate, which Kodi has done patiently this whole time, still chirping with constant head bobbing means 'hurry up we really want some seeds, we love the seeds, get us the seeds now!' hehe He even lets me know when I forget to get their nice water dish too.

As soon as I walk in the door after work, Ditto is standing on the hoop where his veggie dish goes ding the shouting/bouncing/head bobbing thing too. He wants his veggie din din! :lol

11-12-2006, 04:50 AM
#3 I read somewhere that they are actually asleep when they are doing this. I think it might be their way of staying in contact with their flock while sleeping - like a safety precaution or something?
Sebastian & Ella do it a lot!

11-12-2006, 08:54 AM
#2. Running back and forth along the bottom of the cage, really fast, and for a long time:[/B] "come on momma, let me out...let me out...I wanna come see you...let me out"

Beetle does this ALL the time if I'm in the room and he's still in his cage. I hate to laugh at the little chicken but he looks so cute, running back and forth... He also hangs right in the middle of his cage door, bang his beak on it and chirping. I like to flatter myself and think that he REALLY does like me :rofl:


11-12-2006, 05:10 PM
I read about 'sleep singing' and my guys occasionally do it. It's to fool predators in the wild into thinking they're not really sleeping (during the day). Interestingly you won't ever hear this at night, when it would draw attention to them.

11-12-2006, 10:40 PM
Great idea for a thread!

#1. Stretching out wings and extending leg slowing down the underside of the wing...they are thinking "yep I am a pretty bird, look at me!" And I just thought they were stretching their wings in anticipation of my opening the cage door (it's okay, Ditto, I hold my breath when I stretch, too:p )!

#2. Running back and forth along the bottom of the cage, really fast, and for a long time: "come on momma, let me out...let me out...I wanna come see you...let me out" Hmmm...mine don't do this. Should I take it peresonally? :lol

#3. Sitting on a perch (or head in they're cuddle cozy) eyes closed, chirping to themselves: at first I thought this was 'talking in their sleep' ... I am thinking this is the 'I'm a little birdie and I love to hear myself'
This is one of my favorites! Sometimes I can get them to do this by putting on soft music, sitting in my chair with my eyes closed and I start making little chirpie :whistle: sounds - they usually get sleepy-eyed and start making the little sounds with me. Yes, I'm a bird-brain!:blush:

#4. Beak Grinding: I think this means, I am happy and I love you. This usually happens when one of the are on me, very comfortable and warm. Agreed - reminds me of my mom. She grinds her teeth when she sleeps.:D

#5 Head-bobbing is that regurgitating thing they do that is actually suppose to be a compliment - ;) "yum, I want to share my food with you."

#6 How about the multi-toned shreiking, wing-flapping episodes? I can't tell if she's mad or just wants my attention or playtime.

11-13-2006, 01:15 AM
#5....I am so jealous. I haven't witnessed the regurgating yet, probably because I have ALL HENS....EEEEK

I still have my hopes of a boy with Mr.Peepers...and I was told that Samson is a male..Dayzee, Chubby and Checkers could be boys...but doubtful...my house full of nasty little nesty hens...:omg:

Got a bleeding wound from Kiko tonight....oh I want a male.

11-13-2006, 10:03 AM
Yes, my babies do the same things too.

Snuggles is the pacer on the cage floor...but then he does that on any surface....like see "I'm a Boy! Watch me!"

Mollie begs for a sunflower seed as her treat for returning to her cage. She will stand on the perch and rub her beak up and down between the bars until I give her one. Then she makes a two toned chirp like "Thank you."

Sunshine has started sleeping up side down..will have to get a picture of this one. She rests her back on the top rung of the play ladder in her cage and holds on to the top of the cage. She will turn her head around to look at you with one eye opened to say "Don't disturb my beauty sleep"

11-19-2006, 01:48 PM
I love your interpretations as much as the descriptions. :):):) Here's what we've made out of it:

The wing and leg stretch -- We choose to think of it as a greeting; kind of a "Hiiiiiyaaaa" stretch. 8) Georgie is the master.

Hoovering -- This is what we call Gracie's move of putting her beak to the ground (my shoulder, the table, whatever) and pushing it around in a semi-circle, like a vacuum cleaner. What it means is, "I dare you to cross this line!" :evil:

The Lioness -- Gracie with her neck fluffed out and head low. Move your fingers fast folks, she's going for the bite! :eek:

Krazy Cuckoo Clock Factory -- At afternoon naptime, all eight birds start tweetling and twortling all at the same time. It sounds like their clocks struck the hour all at once! :D

American Gladiator -- Bongo and Barney fighting over who gets to stand on top of the Bucky Ball. *cue Star Trek battle music* :rolleyes:

Upside-Downy Bird -- Bosco hanging upside-down, trying to get a better look at Tim. :lol

Humpty-Boy -- Didjit riding his happy hut. Ride 'em, Didjy! :whistle:

"Cheeeep!" -- The most pitiful, two-pitched cheep in the world. It's Sam who wants to come out with Momma for nighttime snuggles up my bathrobe sleeve. :)

I love my birds!

11-20-2006, 02:40 PM
Cooper does an "I'm so mad, I could eat my tent!!" if we are touching her cage and she knows she can't bite our fingers. Or it's a "If that finger was close enough, this is what I would do to it". Either way the message is clear - keep the fingers away.