View Full Version : Yikes, Nips Going Nesty

11-18-2006, 12:25 AM
They have shared playtime only for a few days now, during which time Nip has begun to shred everything remotely shreddable. :omg: I took the shreddables away, then she started breaking the left over millet sticks into small pieces. She has absolutely no place to put all this, so it falls through the grate and gets changed everyday. I'm having trouble with this darn computer keyboard (some of the keys aren't working without pounding them) and I was trying to fix it during their playtime time tonight. I looked up to find Beau back in his cage and Nip had gone inside with him. :eek: They were just hanging around, no hostile behavior and no swishy-swishy stuff. I put her back in her cage, but she clung to the side closest to Beau and they chirped between the bars at each other. Most I've heard out of Beau since I brought him home! I'm still trying figure out his gender - I definately don't want Nip laying eggs right now. Thoughts anyone? :confused:

11-18-2006, 08:00 AM

How old is Nip again? If under a year old, you do want to deter egg laying. If older, that is a decision to make. It does sound like they are bonding fairly well, but then again, they are still pretty new to each other. So, no guarantees as to how they would co-exist, and also, not knowing the gender yet, I would wait to put them in the same cage.

I would change the cage all around. Try putting water dishes where food dishes used to be. Change perches around, move whatever makes Nip comfy, even cage location. If she's nesty, this may put her for awhile, but of course not forever:rolleyes:

Good Luck:)