View Full Version : Singing Parrot

11-19-2006, 11:29 AM

11-19-2006, 04:16 PM
oh my goodness - too cute. I watched most of the videos of Oscar, and was totally charmed by him :D is it just me, or is he speaking more than one language? He sings in english, and then he switches to something else.

11-19-2006, 04:23 PM
TOO CUTE!!!!!!! What kind of parrot is Oscar? What a cool bird he is! :D

11-19-2006, 04:32 PM
Oscar is a Double Yellow Headed Amazon. Yes, he's cute and they are excellent singers/talkers. That's what Monty is.

11-19-2006, 05:02 PM
I saw an amazon on tv that my dad would love. He sang Frank Sinatra songs.

Except dad is afraid of Ditto's little beak so I don't think an amazon would be such a good idea. :rofl:

11-19-2006, 05:23 PM
The video's cute, but i'm sure it's no fun for the owners when Oscar breaks into song at the break of dawn8o

11-19-2006, 06:22 PM
The video's cute, but i'm sure it's no fun for the owners when Oscar breaks into song at the break of dawn8o

Wouldn't bother me. I'm up before dawn anyway. :lol

11-19-2006, 09:25 PM
How hysterical!

11-20-2006, 12:48 AM
hmmm... if only i had the space and funds for a bigger bird....

11-20-2006, 07:32 AM
Oscar is a Double Yellow Headed Amazon. Yes, he's cute and they are excellent singers/talkers. That's what Monty is.

I've seen 3 or 4 of those at The Aviarium and even though they were all fairly young, they were already saying a few words. My kind of bird....a talker! :D

11-20-2006, 01:09 PM
Awww so cute :). And such a big difference from my little Elmo, who just yesterday was "singing" at the top of his voice, although singing is probably no the word I should use:
*Screeeeeeeech, pliccccck, plloooooooock, screeeeech" coming from the bird room*
Chris (grumbling): What is that god awful racket....It sounds like we have an aviary full of cockatoos in there.
Gloria (worried tone): I better go check on them. They do sound like they're worried or something.
*Running into the bedroom to find most of the birds napping* Puzzled, since the screeeecching, pliiiiiicking and plooooocking is most definitely continuing, Gloria creeps over to the main cage, where she finds that the "aviary full of cockatoos" is actually little Elmo, sitting on one foot, with his head behind his wing, and I'm sure in his mind at least, quietly and contentedly "singing" himself to sleep. *sigh*.

11-20-2006, 01:17 PM
Gloria, :D.....that is so sweet and I'm sure Elmo though his song was just beautiful! :lol

11-20-2006, 02:14 PM
I love it when Cooper "sings" herself to sleep.

I'll just stick to watching other people's singing parrots - I'd hate to end up with a tune deaf parrot. Wouldn't be the birdie's fault, just the tune deaf owner :blush:

11-20-2006, 06:59 PM
Since I brought Mijo home, my whole perspective on talking parrots has changed:eek: . I mean it's fun and all, but I don't so much love him yelling my name everytime I leave the room, mocking me when I'm scrubbin' bird poopin's, or being woken up by a "good morning Mijo" followed by the kissy sound and repetoire of Mijo jabberings every morning between 6:05 and 6:08 am:x :x .

Thankfully Mijo's voice isn't as scratchy as Oscar's:rolleyes:

11-20-2006, 07:14 PM
Laura, send him to me! I'd much rather have a bird mocking me than the humans I'm living with! :D I could teach him a few words to pass on to them! :whistle:

11-20-2006, 07:45 PM
Laura, send him to me! I'd much rather have a bird mocking me than the humans I'm living with! :D I could teach him a few words to pass on to them! :whistle:

I could never part with my Big Boy!!!! Besides, I've worked hard to have a parrot that does know any of those words you want to teach him:eek: .

11-20-2006, 08:14 PM
My lovies don't sing! Am I doing something wrong? They are really pretty quiet. They emit happy sounds when they are buzz bombing my head (their feathers have grown back), but they just don't make much noise. They chirp first thing in the morning to be let out. I play old music for them when I am gone and I lead a pretty quiet life, maybe that's why they are so good. Whatever, I hope that it lasts!

11-20-2006, 09:22 PM
The cackaphony at our house begins early and runs late in the evening.

Aw Elmo..how sweet.

Oscar's singing is delightful...When he was hollering at Hespera to let him out of the cage and ringing the bell, I was wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks from laughter. He is a darling Amazon and is truly enamored with and by his owner!!

11-21-2006, 05:08 PM
Bebo sings i absolutely thing its the most beutiful sound!!! unfortunatly my parents think the most beutifull sound is silence.

11-21-2006, 07:37 PM
I could never part with my Big Boy!!!! Besides, I've worked hard to have a parrot that does know any of those words you want to teach him:eek: .

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why Laura, what words are you referring to? :p

11-25-2006, 09:52 PM
oh my goodness - too cute. I watched most of the videos of Oscar, and was totally charmed by him :D is it just me, or is he speaking more than one language? He sings in english, and then he switches to something else.
ya i think he does bcus his owner has a forin accent and so i think he knows more than one language