View Full Version : New little lovebird

11-21-2006, 08:50 PM
I just bought a baby lovebird from a bird show. They said she was she was born in Sept. She eats and drinks just fine. She does need alot of help learning how leave my hand and go to her perch and staying on my shoulder. She or he tends to be a little unsteady. Is this normal? Is she just like any baby and needs to learn these things? I did not notice any perches in thier cage. They clipped her wings already so she is having a terrible time trying to fly. They said they do this to make them more dependent. What do you think? I also have another lovebird (peach face) who I think may be close to one year old. When do you think it is safe to introduce them to each other. They are in serperate cages in the same room now and talk to each other let me know what you guys think?
Thanks in advance for the advice,

11-21-2006, 10:10 PM
Hello, welcome the this board. Your bird is very young. With her/his wings clipped it is very difficult for the bird to balance. Clipping is good for safety reasons also. When one of my babies was 4 months old, I put her in with Johnny, who was 2 1/2 years. I monitored them for several weeks before I put them together. I also monitored them after they were together. You might consider having your birds DNA tested so you know the sex. It would not be a good idea to put them together and then have them mate. If the baby is indeed a girl, she may be too young to lay eggs. The birds may be to immature to provide for the babies also. If the older is a male, he may be aggressive with the baby (girl ?) when he wants to mate. Just something else to think about.

11-21-2006, 10:14 PM
Hi Stacey,

I think 8 weeks is a bit young for a wing clip and would rather see one done after they've been flying well, at about 9 plus weeks old. But, in this case it is done so I would let the wings grow back and let your little one learn to fly before another proper clip is done. I'd offer him/her several perches and place some of them low in the cage so it will be easier for him to access the perch. My birds are especially fond of the rope perches so you might try one of those. Just give your little one time and lots of attention and patience and I'm sure he'll be fine. Glad to hear that he's eating/drinking well. Are you offering a happy hut at night? That might be a comforting thing for him, too.

As far as an introduction, I'd keep them quarantined for at least 30 days (different cage, different rooms and not sharing the same air space) and then slowly introduce them. It would be best if you knew the sex of each bird. Males tend to get along better than two females. An older hen (female) could be very aggressive with a younger male so knowing the sex of each of your birds helps. The only way to know for sure is through DNA sexing which you can do through feather plucking or having an avian vet do. If you don't already have an avian vet, I'd make that number one on my list.

kk and tango
11-21-2006, 11:25 PM
they told you the bird was born in sept but i would watch to make sure it is eating and drinking because sometimes breeders have been known to sell birds that aren't fully weaned. you say it is eating and drinking fine but do monitor.

and definately keep your birds in seperate rooms for at least 30 days, if not 60 to make sure it doesn't get your other pet sick. i know it is a pain but it is very important.

As for perches and balance, you prolly want to take the little fellow in for a bird wellness exam; the vet can tell you if what you are seeing is normal or if there are any dproblems. And do introduce a variety of perches at different heights.

11-22-2006, 03:37 PM
Thanks for all the good advice. I have already made one mistake by keeping them in the same room but I will move her now. Hopefully it's not to late. I do have a great avian vet. I will have both of them dna sexed that way I will know for sure who is what:confused: .
Again thanks for the advice,