View Full Version : Clicking noise?

11-22-2006, 12:57 AM
My bird keeps making this clicking noise... it's not like a chirp. It seems like whenever he breathes, he makes this little clicking noise. I can't hear it unless I come close to the cage. What does this mean?

11-22-2006, 01:00 AM
If I am not mistaken... it means that they are satisfied... read it somewhere but I really can't remember where. :)

11-22-2006, 08:20 AM
A clicking sound sometimes means that a bird is feeling amorous, and it usually goes along with some kind of strutting and display. Like Robbie said, that's a healthy, normal sound.

A faint clicking sound when your bird is breathing, however, could mean that he has a respiratory infection. If it were my bird clicking like that, I would take it to the vet. Respiratory infections are very serious, and the bird might need an antibiotic.

Best wishes,

11-22-2006, 09:04 AM
kiwi does this (like he is right now! :whistle: ) when he is feeling feisty, and "in the mood" . At the same time, he also does the dance display and the swishy swish. When he is 'done' :blush: , he stops the clicking noise. If you hear it all the time, it is worth a trip to the vet to check out. let us know what happens.

11-22-2006, 09:12 AM
My bird keeps making this clicking noise... it's not like a chirp. It seems like whenever he breathes, he makes this little clicking noise. I can't hear it unless I come close to the cage. What does this mean?
This sounds like a respiratory infection and my best suggestion is to make an appointment with your avian vet ASAP! Infections can be fatal if not treated quickly so you need to make that appointment immediately after reading this message.

Please let us know what your avian vet has to say.

11-22-2006, 10:16 AM
I'll have to agree. If there is any doubt to his health, a vet visit is needed ASAP. With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I would definitley take him in today. With these little ones, they can decline very quickly, so time is of the essence.

If you do get him in, even if they don't reccomend any tests, insist on at least a grams stain. Even if they say it's not necessary, it's only about $15-$20 more, and you are there for a reason, to make sure all is well, and this is the starting point. There isn't much a vet can tell visually, so do insist on the test.

Hope all is well. It very well may be, but the vet visit will confirm it.

11-22-2006, 07:33 PM
He's not exactly tamed yet... I made a mistake by buying a bird out of a cage full of untamed birds. He's really strong too. Even when I clip his wings as much as I can, he can still fly pretty well. I don't have a small travel cage to put him in if I want to take him to the vet either... also I'm in a bit of a money problem right now, so I don't even know if I can even afford a trip to the vet...

Anyone know how much a vet trip might cost?

11-22-2006, 08:27 PM
We all encounter money issues with our pets, but remember, your bird WANTS to feel better and trusts you to see it through. I have begged, borrowed and even signed up for a new credit card once, to pay my vet bills. Part of responsible pet ownership includes food, entertainment, and medical issues when the need arises.
I don't mean to sound like I am preaching, and this is not a personal attack, but rather a reminder to anyone who finds themselves in your situation that you have a responsibility to seek medical treatment when needed for this bird.
Worst case scenario, you wake up one morning and your bird has died from a respiratory infection left untreated.
None of want to see this happen and we believe you also want the best care for you bird. We are ON YOUR SIDE ! We understand the feeling of NO MONEY and we can only offer our best advice.
Friends and family, co-workers, acquaintances etc might all be willing to help with a bill with the promise of repayments in a set time period. Some understanding employers will give a partial paycheck advance. Speak to your avian vet, many of them are fantastic about setting up a payment plan also ! One time, my vet let me pay off a $350 bill in $50 installments, each month, until the bill was paid in full. I am forever grateful to that vet:)
Anyway, I won't go on, I think I've said what I needed to say.
Please let us know how your birdie is doing, we all care and again, this is NOT a personal attack on you, ok??


11-22-2006, 08:28 PM
You can call to check and see what the price of a grams stain is. Some vets will let you bring in a poop sample without bringing in the bird, so if you can find one that will do that, then it will be less.

I would explain the circumstances, wild/untamed bird, new to you, etc..... If the grams stain comes back negative, you may still need a vet visit, but it's a good place to start.

If you do have to take the bird in, some vets will let you make payments if set up ahead of time. I would think they will ask for at least 1/2 up front though, so be prepared to pay minimal $50-$75 US. For the most part, I think most vets are willing to do a grams stain without the bird present, so if you can get at least a couple of avian vets numbers, one turns you down, try the other. Don't give up, as these little ones decline rapidly if there is a health issue.

Do let us know how he's doing. After you know he's healthy, we will help all we can to help you tame him. They are wonderful little feather butts, and I know you are going to love him more than you ever thought possible:)

11-22-2006, 10:36 PM
Did we establish if the sound is constant or occasional? How long have you owned your bird? If you have owned the bird for sometime now and never noticed the sound before, or if it is a fairly constant clicking sound, I would take it to vet asap. You can get a small cardboard box with closing top or shoe box and cut breathing holes in all four sides if you don't have a carrier. I'd put my whole cage in the car if I had to. Many vets do seem willing to work out payment arrangements. Hope all goes well - do keep us posted. >o

11-22-2006, 11:45 PM
I've had my bird for almost a year now. Before, the cost wouldn't have been a problem but it kind of is now... my grandmother is here and I can ask her for some money to take my bird to the vet.

I've checked up on him a lot today and I've cleaned out his whole cage thoroughly. I also got a list online of things that can make the birds ill and checked to see if none of that was around him. He seems to be doing better. The clicking sound when he breathes is better than before. I sat by his cage for 30 minutes to see if the clicking noises would come back. I only heard them for about a minute, so that's good. I'm still taking him to the vet, though. I'll see if the vets will work out payment arrangements

Thanks for the information and advice guys :)

11-23-2006, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the update!
I agree with you that a vet visit is still in order, good thinking! Lets' hope the vet hears the sound you have been describing so that you might get to the bottom of the clicking conundrum. Your lovie should be very active, playful, eating well, drinking, bathing, and have normal looking stools. If you see anything out-of-line, dont' hesitate to get right to that clinic!
I'm glad to hear that you have a financial possibility in your Grandmother, give her a big hug !!
Let us know hwo things go....we always worry when one of "us" is ill....
