View Full Version : Funny birds

11-23-2006, 03:26 PM
Has anyone's lovebird sat on a perch and when you click at them they open their beaks and turn their head upside down? Mine will sit and do that i just laugh at them and they do it more. I just wanted to know if mine are the only ones who does that?

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11-23-2006, 05:32 PM
I stopped making clicking noises when it became clear that Milo does not like it. He let me know by charging me and biting me on the chin every time I did it.

Kissy noises are a different story, he'll run up and put his beak against my lips to get in on the kisses. Melly is not a kissy-type of bird (unless you consider latching on to my lip and not letting go a kiss) but she will make kissy noises back.

11-23-2006, 06:19 PM
its more of a kissy noise i just went brain dead and could not think of a name for the sound. lol

11-24-2006, 12:34 AM
Mine usually enjoy making the sound back at me, but never with their beak open and head upside down. :lol Sounds like video clip time to me, Miranda!:whistle: Jennifer, I sympathize - Nip's idea of a kiss is to nip the end of my nose. I'll say "gimme a kiss" and she will come up to me with feathers fluffed, looking sweet, then attack my nose. I think she means well, I just have to adapt by turning my head a little a split second before her beak crunches down! :roll: ;)

11-24-2006, 12:03 PM
When my lovies click at each other, it's usually before one regurgitates for the other...uhhh...maybe that's what your baby wants.:whistle:

If I make kissy noises for my lovies, there are two extremes with many difference in between. Some make kissy noises back.

Mollie runs up beak open and shrieks at me.,,just like that photo of her challenging Zest to stay away from Quill. I think she is jealous of me interacting with the other birds. Maybe she is just getting cranky as she ages (3 years now).

Snuggles on the other hand, runs up your arm and puts his face next to your cheek and rubs his face on yours. It's a real easy way to get him ready to go back into his cage. He loves snuggle time.

11-25-2006, 10:17 PM
Sounds like video clip time to me, Miranda!:whistle:

Well here ya go. In this she never opens her mouth but you get the idea.

11-26-2006, 12:44 AM
:rofl: That's too funny :rofl:. I don't quite know what to make of it other than she sure has an original personality, you are very lucky. What a character :D