View Full Version : Scary moment at the birdy store

Buy A Paper Doll
06-12-2005, 03:41 PM
I went to the birdy store today to pick up treats and toys for the birdmuffins. A man walked in with a macaw that was dripping blood from its wing. A broken blood feather. It's Sunday and there are no avian vets on call in this area. He didn't know where else to go.

The owner of the store grabbed the bird, wrapped him in a towel to calm him down, and put pressure on the bleeding until it stopped. Meanwhile one of the workers there sopped up the trail of blood because it was everywhere. Hubby had to walk out of the store because he couldn't handle the sight of an injured bird.

Earlier this week I noticed that one of Melody's flights that had been growing, had suddenly disappeared. I checked her cage but didn't see where it had fallen out. Hubby found it later, broken off with dried blood on the tip of it. I told hubby that we were very, very lucky. I wasn't home when it happened. He never heard Melody cry over the broken bloodfeather, and there was no blood to be found. I don't know how she managed to clot so quickly on her own.

Sooooo ... on the way home from the store, hubby and I had a talk. Does he know what to do if one of the birds starts bleeding when I'm not home? You can't just start driving with a bleeding lovebird in the car because they don't have enough blood in their little bodies to last that long. You have to handle it yourself, I told him. So I told him about using flour and pressure to stop the bleeding. I just hope and pray he can do it if he has to.