View Full Version : Hey!! :o)

11-25-2006, 02:00 AM
Hey Everyone Its been a while I think since Ive been around. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive & well lol!! :)
Im on the waiting list for a pair of lovebird babies that probably wont be here till around feb-march around there...maybe later on then that....
I have a deposit sent out on a sun conure baby right now that will be here in about a month or so. I have pics if anyone is intersted.
The babies are around 6-7weeks old now.
I have been working alot lately but, everything will be going back to normal here within the next week and I wont be working as much!!...My Budgies are doing great and seem to have really fit in our home nicely!! I got them onto Pellets just today which made me VERY happy!!
My only problem with them right now is them ALREADY thinking about breeding I suppose. My father told me that he seen the male dancing and then mounting the female. and they have also been both going after their cuttlebone and calcium perch like crazy. So, Most likely If I cant find another Alternative they will be seperated for awhile. They are WAY to young to be breeding and it is making me worry alot about my female and her health...
Anyways its good to be back and hope to stay on here like I use to be everyday lol..I think the last time I posted was around 20days ago..
Hope everyone & their fids are doing great!!!! :D:D

11-25-2006, 06:48 AM
Hi Kelly,
Glad to hear that all is going well for you. One thing about having male/female pairs of birds is that they have a tendency to want to reproduce! It's a very natural thing and, in captivity, they have plenty of food and time on their wings, so to speak! :) The no more than 40% pellets applies to all small birds, not just lovebirds.

Looking forward to seeing some photos when you get your Sun Conure.

11-25-2006, 11:55 AM
Thanks Linda!! :)
Here is pics of them from 4-5weeks old and today or tomorrow I should have pics of them from 6-7weeks old.. :)

I zipped your photos down to links only...if you want, you can show photos in your threads in our Photo Stories section :)

11-25-2006, 02:41 PM
OMG Kelly they are so cute! My obie was that age when i first met her, and she was being raised with two sun conures that are the spittin image of these guys! the suns are very sweet birdies, but the noise is a little too much for me. they are just little clowns, though, and extremely smart :) i'm sure you will just loove the baby!

11-25-2006, 04:34 PM

Those suns are adorable. I'm with Mandy though, the ear splitting noise they make was like twice the decibel level of my GCC, so that was a huge factor when getting a conure.

On an up note though, I have heard that some Suns are quieter than others, so maybe you'll get lucky:)

11-25-2006, 08:20 PM
Hi, Kelly, I was wondering how things were going with your budgies, so I'm happy everything is going smoothly. Sounds like things have been busy, but very exciting for you. The picture is soooo CUTE! :happy: Hope things are going well for your sis, too.

11-26-2006, 07:56 AM
Very CUTE! I am so sad to hear of how loud they are....those are my dream bird and I was going to get one...guess I will just have to live through the pictures posted!

11-26-2006, 06:09 PM
Yes They can be VERY Loud!! I ran into two at my local pet store and they were up there in loudness with the Macaw on the other side of the room!!...lol..The Macaw got ahold of my friends sleeve cause she was petting her and bit all the way threw it and was trying to pull her jacket off lol it was funny but, I think also a little scary for her...

There was a Baby Sun, and a Younger Sun as well as a Nanday, Blue Indian Ringneck. and 3 Cockatiels in the same cage. there was another type of Conure but, Im not sure exactly what it was...??? The name started with a P??
Anyways the Baby Sun Conure knew Up-Up and Down, and NO! But, they wanted $899 for him!! :eek: I wanted one from a Breeder anyways that I know is going to be Socialized, and fed a Good Diet.....But, I have to admit I did fall in love with him at the pet store..I got to hold him all through the store While I was looking at things and the staff there was very helpful and didnt mind a bit aslong as I didnt stray to far away from their cage..Luckily all the bird toys & stuff was just two isles over from them lol..It was alot of Fun Hanging out with the baby! Im VERY excited about bringing my Sun Baby home!!

-Deb, My Parakeets are Doing GREAT!! :)
Unfortunately I did Seperate them today. They dont seem Happy AT ALL! But, they will have to deal with it for awhile. I did a good cleaning and scrubbing on their cage today so, I went ahead and seperated them.
Their cages are right next to eachothers. I did take a couple pics of them before I seperated them. I got them a new Boing, and they have an Apple Branch at the bottom of their cage. We are in the process of making one safely that will go from side to side. Im ordering them a few new toys when I order my Suns Toys, and then that will be it for them for awhile lol..Their cage is getting full! :rolleyes:
Here is just a few of the pics I took of them and their cage....Enjoy!
Their Cage:

11-26-2006, 07:17 PM
Oops! Sorry about the Pictures! Im so use to posting pics on other threads that I didnt even think about it!!

11-26-2006, 08:23 PM
Not a problem :)
Thanks for the understanding! We're a big board, but those bandwidths get a bit crazy with piccies on the threads...:)