View Full Version : We broke her heart

11-26-2006, 07:32 PM
Well today was the day. Kameko would still not give up on her four eggs so today was day 25 and we had to throw in the towel for her. Poor thing :(. Sean (my b/f) got Kameko out of the cage as i took the entire cage and ran out of the room closing the door behind me. I cleaned out the cage completly and rearranged it as i heard poor Kameko protesting in the next room. I am happy i was not the one with her as she discovered her cage was no longer there, i guess she clung to Sean's finger while frantically looking around the room for her eggs. He said it would have broken my heart as it did his :cry:. When i brought the cage back in she went inside immediately looking for her babies. I felt really bad when she started running around the cage, making noise banging and rubbing her beak on all the bars, perches, etc. She was obviously very sad and upset. Kameko has come around again once she has realized that now she gets her head scritches and soooo much extra attention now so she is lapping it up. I am soooo happy to have my Kameko back :D, it is so hard not to miss them when they are dedicated solely to their eggs. I don't know if it is the same with everyone else's hens but for Kameko she does not fall into any middle ground with her wanting to be with us. Either she is completely nesty and only interested in her nest and nothing to do with us.... OR she can't get enough of us and is constantly wanting cuddles, scritches, singing duets, etc, there is no in between. Anyway wish Kameko luck with this transition time. I think Santa will be bringing her lots of special things this christmas (i see a boing in her future :D :D :D)

Buy A Paper Doll
11-26-2006, 07:35 PM
Awwww, I know it's so hard. Give her extra skritches and a sprig of millet for me.

11-26-2006, 07:50 PM
It is hard when they go on nest. I open the nestbox lid and tell Lacey how much I miss her everyday. Well that, and of course to check up on her, but I do sit and talk to her for awhile when I'm checking;)

Nothing like guilt gifts, and it sounds like Kameko is going to rack up:lol

11-26-2006, 10:00 PM
Poor girl, wish they could understand it is all for the best. She will recover quickly - probably quicker than you and Sean. :p I don't envy you; tough love is a difficult thing to do. I'm sure the emotional trauma wasn't limited just to Kameko. On the subject of Santa, it took my birds a few days to get use to their Boing, but now they can't stay away from it. It's definately their new favorite, so GOOD CHOICE! Keep us informed on how she is coping. :)

11-27-2006, 12:03 AM
Well tonight Kameko is doing much better. She has been lavished with all the attention she has been missing out on for the past month :p. I think she has finally realized the horrble state her feathers are in after sitting on her eggs so she has been preening nonstop all night. I feel so bad because she had a molt while sitting on the eggs but was not able to properly groom so she has pokies (as we call the new sheathed feathers) all over her face and neck that are driving her crazy. We had a shower tonight so she was able to relax in her sauna, had some serious snuggle action, and a fresh bowl of brocolli and carrots for her to toss all over her nice clean cage :evil: (what a little turkey). I hope the transition continues to go smoothly and we do not have a hormonal relapse anytime in the near future *fingers crossed*. Kameko thanks you all for your well wishes and she sends many kissy noises and tail swishes (what she does when she's happy to see you or excited) your way :D!!!

11-27-2006, 08:48 AM
We had a shower tonight so she was able to relax in her sauna, had some serious snuggle action, and a fresh bowl of brocolli and carrots for her to toss all over her nice clean cage.

This is one seriously spoiled little bird. I love it! :D

11-27-2006, 02:35 PM
Kameko.... Spoiled??? .... Neeeeever :D :D :D

11-27-2006, 08:01 PM
Mandy: I think many of us have been through the same thing as you and Kameko. I always miss my birdies when they are in that nest mode. I also feel very bad when I have to take away boxes and eggs, but it's always for the best.

I'm glad you got your little sweetie back and hope she takes a long nesting break8o

11-28-2006, 11:36 AM
I'm glad Kameko is coming back around for you. I went through a similar experience with my hen, Peepo. I finally had to resort to "tough love" on the whole nest box issue. As a result, she's become very affectionate again. I hope Kameko soaks up all that TLC!! :)