View Full Version : Would it be possible to split up my pair?

11-28-2006, 02:47 PM
This may not be fair to my two, but would it even be possible to split up Mango (male 11 months) and Kodi (female 7 months). They have been together for 4 months and are bonded. We are having soo many crazy issues with Kodi. She's even mean to Mango. I regret even getting her for Mango. Could they survive apart in different homes?

11-28-2006, 03:58 PM
Sarah, do you mean different cages? If she is showing aggressive behavior towards Mango I would definitely split them up (different cages) and put the cages close to each other. This is something that might work itself out but I would not leave any of my birds in the same cage with a bird that was picking on him. You can allow them out together, supervised, and see how that goes. I'm sure Mango will miss Kodi being in the same cage but if you feel he's in any danger, I would separate them.

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11-28-2006, 06:24 PM
I have to split my pair up occasionally, when Melody is being particularly Melody-like. (Hens.) Mine have a "can't live with each other, can't live without each other" kind of thing going so I have to keep their cages side by side when they are separated. If you feel that the two of them should not be living together, that's what I would recommend.

I would not move them into separate rooms; as much as they bicker and fight, they may do very well as neighbors.