View Full Version : Lovebird CrAzY!

11-28-2006, 07:36 PM
I have been bitten by the lovebird bug....BAD!!!!

August of this year I was owned by 2 lovebirds. It's November now, and I am up to 9! When December hits I will have 10!

Dayzee my lonely lovie needs a cage mate. I feel so sorry for her. None of the others like her very much and chase her away. She has no one to preen her, and she is FULL of itchy pin feathers. She doesn't love me that much, but when I do get her on me, I wet down her head and neck...hopefully taking some itch away. Since all my other lovies have cage mates I just think it's fair Dayzee has a buddy too. (this isn't a recommendation to other lovebird owners or those thinking of getting lovebirds...you can be lovebird crazy with just one lovie and lovies can be happy as a single...just ask Ditto, he is Dave's boss AKA Taxman).

So once again, I get to introduce another bird to my flock. So far all of my birds have mingled okay...no bad fights yet...and popcorn parties are always an ice breaker. And hey, my bird room should be ready when quarantine time is up.

You know you are lovebird crazy when you devote an entire room for your birds....as many of you have done!!

I have said it before and I will say it again...NOW MY FLOCK WILL BE FULL...10 is the limit. (you can all remind me of this when I post a thread about another lovebird!!) :happy: :whistle:

11-28-2006, 08:37 PM
Take some suggestions from someone who's been down the road that you are traveling. Organize what you have and make it easy or you will be so bogged down by maintenance that you won't have much time for anything else! If I had to start all over again, that's the one thing I would do differently!!! Many birds are rehomed simply because they become too much work.

I'm talking about cages that can be cleaned easily because they are all in the same area and are the same size. All my food dishes are on the right, while my water dishes are on the left. I tend to clean all the trays and I may feed at the same time. Water is done afterwards, since dishes must invariably be cleaned. I have a complete second set so that I can remove one set to put in my dishwasher and just replace those with clean ones.

11-28-2006, 08:50 PM
I really admire how you people have created an art of cleaning bird cages :) You should try to create your own book :D

11-28-2006, 09:18 PM
Hey Robbie

You're reading that "book" right now !!!


11-28-2006, 10:16 PM
Hmmm...my work often requires that I assist those with addictions. Maybe I need to write a book: A 12-step Approach for Addicted Lovebird Owners lol!!!:lol We love ya, Susan! :p

11-28-2006, 11:09 PM
I have a system right now...but it will all be so much easier when they are all moved into 'their' room.

I have 2 sets of dishes each for everyone (translation=LOTS of dishes), Treat dishes. I have tuperware containers of seed, mixed pellets, egg food, seed/pellets/eggfood, storage for treats, millet, cuttlebones, extra toys, chewing sticks, extra perches.

All my current cages are all exactly the same and are perfect for their 3 playstructures to balance on top of.

Besides getting them situated in their new room (in the next month or so), I am going to install a wash basin in the basement (where the new room is) for a larger cleaning station.

As well, life will be so much better when they aren't in my carpeted living room....I think my dogs are enjoying the seeds that are thrown out the cages.

Plus, I have a ceiling that will be GREAT for hanging birdie toys from...oh and I won't have so many poopies on my couch when they move into their new room.

I work in a laboratory, therefore I am an organizational freak....but organizing bird cleaning is a new experiance...thanks for the tips.

I have to make it a perfect system, since one day my roomie will move out, and he helps often.

I think I am beyond a 12 step program:whistle: :rofl: :happy:

11-29-2006, 01:23 AM
Yes, sometimes one little bird in the flock will look so lonely that it just breaks your heart. My little Nerin was like that, so lonely, and he would sneak into the big birds cages (when he was still young) and hide behind a toy because he knew they would chase him out if they spotted him there. He just wanted to be close to them.

I finally got Nike for him and they have been inseparable ever since. Getting another lovebird as a friend is not always the best answer, but a good momma can sense when it is the right thing to do.

11-29-2006, 06:01 PM
After this I have to learn self control. But what will I do if I find a Milo birdie...all purple and pretty.

In the Vera Appleyard book there is a peachie, whiteface that is almost completely dark blue...

What are the most popular, sought after color mutations?

11-29-2006, 08:21 PM
That's so sad about Nerin hiding just to be close to the other birds! I'm so glad he has a friend!

01-06-2007, 12:39 AM
Well a few days early...I introduced Woogie to Dayzee. I started with the cages right up beside eachother....and I just got the feeling that they were interested. They probably kinda knew eachother from the squakers chorus that has been going on for the last almost 4 weeks. So....with very close supervision on my part they met!!!! (why is my camera batteries always dead when I NEED them...need to get a few extra rechargables).

I have been SO lucky with my 3 pairs that didn't start out as pairs...they have all loved eachother within minutes. I am still going to do my usual warming up time before they become cagemates. It took me 3 days for one pair, 3 weeks for another, I guess we will see with Woogie and Dayzee!!

Dayzee finally got preened, I almost cried, she isn't the loner anymore. Maybe soon she won't be so itchy from her NEVER ENDING pin feathers.

In a few more days, it will be a full on popcorn party!!! (with pictures I promise).

Just gotta move all these lovies to their NEW room....oh the work that is never ending to finish this room!!

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions and support throughout my lovebird addiction, obsession period. As long as I don't stumble upon a nice purple (Milo) birdie, I do believe my flock is FULL!!!

01-06-2007, 09:43 AM
Uggghhhhh! Can't wait until I move out of the house and get my own bird room:p Well, I ALMOST can't wait. Anyways, just one little tip, though I'm farily sure lovies aren't as prolific as doves (I hope:roll:) Anyways, I started out with pair of doves, and now have...(counting on fingers)...33 doves!:x Stay with controled breeeding if you plan on breeding at all!;)