View Full Version : I feel like such a traitor

11-29-2006, 07:31 PM
I had to clip Kiwi's wings today, and he is letting me know how unhappy he is :mad: Okay, maybe I am just imagining it, but he seems awfully teed off.

We are getting a new puppy from Mira tomorrow, and I didn't want him to fly around the house until we get the new dog settled in. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Mira Organization, they provide blind people with seeing eye dogs. We are fostering a dog for 1 year, to train it to be a seeing eye dog. i like to say that we are raising a pair of eyes for a blind person. Our job as foster parents is to socailize the puppy, take her wherever we can, malls, restaurants, shopping centers. After one year, it goes to it's blind owner for intensive training to become a service dog.

I was concerned about Kiwi's safety, and while he will never be out with the puppy alone, I felt it would be safer to clip him (we did only the first five, so he can still coast safely) Now, of course I am guilty as always when I clip him :cry: I hope I did the right thing.

11-29-2006, 07:34 PM
You are never wrong when something is done for the safety of your flock members. While Kiwi may not like the idea, he would not like the alternative of possibly being exposed to the danger that a puppy could pose.

Kudos to you for caring enough to do what's necessary.