View Full Version : Bebo's wing clip

12-02-2006, 02:58 PM
ok so ive been wanting to get bebos wings clipped for a LOOOOONG time well earliar today i took him to the vet. ill have to say that bebo took it all VERY well
when the vet came up he started talking to bebo and bebo actually didnt run away!!!! i was really surprised since bebo doesnt like strangers well the vet put his hand in all the time talking really low and singsongy... im tellin you that guy should make a cd cause he was puttin me to sleep!!!! well anyway bebo didnt bite him when he tried to get him to step up he only gave out the most pitifull little peep ive ever heard i wantd to shove that vet aside and cradle bebo sayin "its ok my baby mommys hear!" but i could see that the vet had a way with him so i just bit my tongue and watch the expert. the vet told his assistant to turn off the lights and told her that when he said "NOW!" she was to flash the lights.
it was very neat this way he could see what was going on and bebo couldnt! when he got him out of the cage he had him in his hands whith bebo trying to get a death grip on his thumb!!! i was amased at how this guy could handle pain!!! all the time he talked soothingly while bebo was drawing blood!!! he even got his cuticle!!! when bebo was deposited back i examined his wings.
the vet explained why he gave him this kind of clip. i thaught that the funniest reason was " so that my bird wont look like a football" i really do feel sorry for the guy because he had to clip a amazon the other day and man!!! i would have thaught that he stuck his hand in a blender not just that he gave a bird a clip!!! well when i got bebo home i tried to put him back in his cage but much to my surprise bebo flew off!!!!! he didnt just sore he whent straight up!!!! oh well now he nows the "step up" command tho and he has gotten really good at getting on the perch so ill wait awhile before taking him back to redo his wings.