View Full Version : Not tomorrow :(

12-02-2006, 07:43 PM
Well...I talked to the breeder about Bradford today and I will not get him tomorrow. She say he is six weeks old and wants to be babied...he stills wants his formula...:rolleyes: She tells me this is the first bird that she has hand raised that knows how to eat, but won't. Another breeder lent her, her two peach-faced babies that have been weened to see if that will encourage him to eat on his on and be a bit more independant. i hate that I won't be able to get him, but at least I know that she is taking the time to make double sure he is ready for his new home. Oh well, the waiting continues!

12-02-2006, 07:54 PM
Don't rush a good thing ! I'm pleased to see that this breeder isn't letting a baby leave her home without eating well enough on his/her own.
This is SO important, you see, if your baby seems to be eating some, but not enough, many breeders will sell them, they move to their new homes, become anxious about the move, and die within the first few days of the move because they arent' eating ENOUGH to sustain their body weight.
Six weeks is MUCH TOO YOUNG to leave for a new home. The majority of breeders look for the 8-9 week mark, I myself, prefer to wait until 9-11 weeks. It's a crucial period in their young lives, and I don't want to rush them!
Best wishes when Bradford comes home !


12-02-2006, 08:38 PM
I agree with Kim that Bradford needs to stay with the breeder probably another couple of weeks. Baby lovebirds don't come out of the nest box until they are 6 weeks old. Dad spends the next 2 weeks teaching them how to eat by themselves and I hold all my babies at least another 1-2 weeks after that. It's much safer this way. I know you would love to have him home but taking him away from the breeder could create a whole new myriad of problems. Be patient while your baby matures a bit.

12-02-2006, 09:50 PM
I had no idea 6 weeks was too early.:( Good thing I have this board now. I am very excited to have the new edition, but I am also very content to wait until he is ready to move to a new home. The last thing I need is an underdeveloped baby on my hands... So, yes, I will wait...anxious as ever, but I will wait!!!:happy:

12-02-2006, 10:09 PM
We'll try to be patient with you...although with feathered sweeties, we all get excited !
Thats what we're here for, to advise and guide people into "loviedom"

Enjoy your stay !!

12-03-2006, 12:36 AM
Well i guess the breeder i got Kameko from was a bit on the strange side because when i got Kameko she was exactly 6 weeks old, and only started eatting seeds the day before. She sent some formula home with me but having no experience with a baby lovie and assuming that she would be eatting fine on her own (as a breeder assured me) i didn't give her any that night and thought she would eat herself once she settled in. But by morning she was doing the most pitiful baby peeps for something to eat so i gave her some formula and you would have thought she hadn't eatten in months. I had to feed her formula for another week and a bit while she got the hang of seeds. I didn't complain for a minute because it made her bond with me instantly since i was the one bringing the food but i can definately see how this can be a major problem for someone getting a bird and not paying attention. I would be patient and look forward to a beautiful, healthy lovie who i am sure can't wait to go home :D

12-03-2006, 12:46 PM
Well...I am going to wait...but I thought I would give a link to a picture of Bradford and maybe you could tell me how old this little guy might be.


12-03-2006, 12:49 PM
Ditto to Kim and Linda. Six weeks is too young. Both of my hand fed babies had been eating 100% on their own for a week and a half before the breeder would let me have them. They were 9 1/2 weeks old at that time.

12-03-2006, 01:32 PM
but I thought I would give a link to a picture of Bradford and maybe you could tell me how old this little guy might be.

Bradford appears to have a full grown tail so he's 6 weeks. The tailfeathers are the last ones to reach full length so that's the clearest indication of a baby that's under 6 weeks. Cute baby!!!

12-04-2006, 07:08 PM
Bradford is just beautiful, dtucker78!

I know that it's hard to wait but it's in the best interest for the wee birdie. Don't worry -- the time will go by quickly :)


12-05-2006, 11:10 AM
I am in pretty good contact with the breeder. We are going to wait a bit longer to make sure the little guy is totaly weened. He is a cutie, and by what the breeder tells me...he is quite the character...very people attached.

12-05-2006, 12:47 PM
i can definately see how this can be a major problem for someone getting a bird and not paying attention.
Mandy makes a good point. But I would add that paying attention is one of several hazzards in buying an unweaned baby bird. I've had a breeder offer to sell me an unweaned chick (6 weeks, only needs formula once a day....supposedly). From what I learned here on this board, I walked away. There's temperture, thickness of formula, possible aspiration, crop infections, and sour crop just to name a few worries if I (inexperienced) had to hand feed. I know there's more, but it would have been silly for me to risk the baby's life.

I went to another breeder and bought an 11 week old baby that had been weaned and eating for a few weeks.

dtucker, you got a cutie on the way! Have you purchased Bradford a cage yet? You can spend the next couple weeks planning his new pad. :) He's pretty.