View Full Version : what to do outside of acge?

12-03-2006, 04:34 AM
my lovie will step onto my hand out of he cage and step up and everything. when i take her out, i just make her step up. what kinda games can we play or creative activities to make the most of the time out of the cage?

12-03-2006, 08:08 AM
I just let WHisper fly around and do her own thing. She will normaly fly around a bite then start playing hair dresser with my hair. I keep my hair down as she likes to nibble my ears.


12-03-2006, 10:11 AM
usually i just let Petey on my shoulder[ he loves it there] and ill let him play and run around and stuff. You can also try teaching your lovebird tricks. thats what i do

12-03-2006, 02:25 PM
We also mainly let Kameko do her own thing. She flies around to get some exercise, then visits with her fish, then comes and plays where ever we are. I would suggest whistling and talking to her which always makes Kameko excited. One of Kameko and my games is to have me lay on the bed face down and whistle and she comes running up to me and tunnels around my neck to find my face to kiss and nibble, she seems to love it. You have to play according to your birds personality :2cents:

12-03-2006, 06:45 PM
I am new to lovies, but Kermit loves to sit on my shoulder and just hang out. We bought him a play gym he will sit on it, but hasn't got too playful or curious about it yet....but he is adjusting to a new home....so gotta give him time.

12-03-2006, 06:57 PM
Ditto's favorite out of cage activity is watching tv with me on the couch. He snuggles in my hand and gets beak rubs and head skritches. He'll fly to his gym at the end of the couch for a few minutes to play then back to the couch to me.

01-03-2007, 12:24 AM
wow! how do u keep your little ones so still! I swear my Enzo should be on riddolin or something! It might just be because he is a little baby ( 5 weeks ) but he is truly a spaz! lol... did you guys find your birds relaxed with age?

01-03-2007, 12:55 AM
I wish my lovies would step up onto my hand or perch on my shoulder:(

All I can do is set a play house or another cage or something on top of their cage and let them crawl around on the outside and keep away. They seem to enjoy it. Sometimes they won't come out of their cage at all.

01-03-2007, 09:23 AM
mine don't come anywhere near me dmj64 . They are very skittish and won't even come near me when they're in the safety of their cage.
To them I am a big monster, even though all I do is bring them treats and food LOL

01-03-2007, 09:26 AM
wow! how do u keep your little ones so still! I swear my Enzo should be on riddolin or something! It might just be because he is a little baby ( 5 weeks ) but he is truly a spaz! lol... did you guys find your birds relaxed with age?

Yes, I have found that my two younger birds, over a year and a half old now, have become calmer with age. :D Still very active but they will now sit still for a good long shoulder ride. My older bird was around 7 when I adopted him and came to me as a velcro birdie, always very calm.

01-03-2007, 09:42 AM
absolutely - kiwi is 2 now, and is content to spend the day mostly on my hand, in my hand, or on my shoulder. he pretty much does what he wants, and will fly to his toys when he wants. that comes with time though, so be patient. as most of the members on this forum will say, that is key to building a relationship and getting to know your lovie's personality. it's all so worth it!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

01-03-2007, 11:39 AM
Yes, I have found that my two younger birds, over a year and a half old now, have become calmer with age. :D Still very active but they will now sit still for a good long shoulder ride. My older bird was around 7 when I adopted him and came to me as a velcro birdie, always very calm.

wew.. thats good to know!