View Full Version : How do we ensure a bird gets a good home if....?

12-03-2006, 06:36 PM
I had a dream the other night, where I was arranging to send all my birds to people from this forum. I am assuming that this meant I wasn't going to be around (as in not on this earth), and I needed responsible people to take my lovies.

This made me think of a person in my city who hadn't made arrangements for her pets, and they all ended up at the humane society (many many budgies).

What have you all done to ensure your birds have homes if for some reason something happens and you have no say in their homes/future? Is this something that should be in writing, a Will or some document? Then, what if we have no family or friends who will take them?

(not the most pleasant thought...but reality)

12-03-2006, 06:39 PM
My hubby knows if anything happens to me, he is to keep all my fur 'n feathered, n' scaled kids. My dad (who is my vet) also knows that if something happens to both my hubby and I that he is to arrange for good homes for my babies. I don't have it in writing, but have threatened the both of them that I will come back and haunt them. :)

12-03-2006, 07:09 PM
I myself have asked people here to take my birds. My hubby does love them, but I have to be realistic, he would never care for them the way I do, and the way they deserve. Therefore, he has specific instructions on who they will go to. I have no doubt the ones I've specified will have no problem with it;)

To be on the safe side though, I do believe putting this in writing, or in your will is a very good idea. I do have it in writing, but not in my will, but I do plan on adding it.

12-03-2006, 10:54 PM
I have a will with my bird included. Depending on how old my daughter is depends on were she goes. WHisper will go to my daughter if she is over 16 and if she is under my husband has to keep Whisper and daughter cares for her still. If nobody is able to I want her to be found a good home. My daughter so far is only person other then me who cna handle Whisper. She hates my husband(just like her mom did) and my sons she is scared of.


12-04-2006, 06:29 AM
All our furs-n-fids are in our will. Family is set to take in the dogs and cats, but I don't know anyone who will take proper care of Bubble and Squeak (if hubby and I both aren't able). The current plan is for my neighbor to get them to a sanctuary.

12-04-2006, 12:30 PM
That's a good question. Particularly people who own parrots that will mostly likely outlive them. I spoke to a breeder of African Grays once. I asked her how long they lived and she told me around 75 years. She said she has people lined up to take her birds when she goes, as she will before they go if they stay healthy.

I expect to outlive my lovies, but my family would probably give them to my brother (he's got 'tiels). My cats? I'm taking them with me! :rofl: ;)
...just kidding, the kids would fight over them.

12-04-2006, 03:15 PM
I think my hubby would insist on keeping all three of mine but like Lori mentioned, they would not get the same attention and care that they do with me so I have a couple of places in mind for Big Boi and Shy if I should keel over. Oliver? Seriously, the instructions are that he really is to go with me. Same with my dog. I don't think either one would ever be happy w/o me and since they are older I really would want them to go when I do. Then again, I don't think my husband could do that.

I was at a bird fair on Sat. and saw a woman who had to be 70 or close to it and she was buying a baby African Grey!!!!! As a breeder, I would not sell that breed or any breed that lives that long to an old person unless I made it perfectly clear that they are not going to out live the bird and need to make arrangements immediately for the birds care. I was at my favorite bird specialty store one day and was cuddling an 11 week old Cockatoo and the manager said, "Put that bird down, you are tooooo old for a Too!" I had to laugh and he did too but he wasn't kidding. :lol I'd have a larger parrot for sure if I were 30 years younger....well, maybe 40 years younger! :D

12-04-2006, 06:08 PM
Yes, that's why when I look for a 'too or a macaw (hubby and I are in negotiations right now) I search on 'Adult' or 'Senior'. Dave wants a baby, but I that is not the right decision for me.