View Full Version : how do you DNA a lovie?

12-03-2006, 08:29 PM
well, pretty much as the title implies, how do you DNA a lovie?

12-03-2006, 09:06 PM
For sexing, you can extract DNA via live fresh feathers, or fresh blood droplets. Kits can be ordered free of charge from avianbiotech.com or healthgene.com and you send them either type of sample in the pouch they provide you. You send payment with the blood/feathers and they let you know the gender a couple days after they receive your sample.
Plucking can be done with sterilized tweezers..take 6-8 feathers plucked fresh from the breast area..include the bulb of the feather...embedded in the skin of the bird. Ensure there is no risk of contamination by placing feathers in a plastic zipplock sandwich bag asap. Blood samples can be taken via the toenail, but it's best to have someone experienced do this for you. These tests typically cost you $25, but if you are uncomfortable, you can have your breeder or avian vet take the sample for you. Vets will likely charge $70+....
Best wishes,

12-04-2006, 12:23 AM
I just used the feather method Kim described with Avian Biotech. Very pleased.

12-04-2006, 10:06 AM
My avian vet charges $50 to sex a bird. Personally, I like the feather plucking method but even that, I couldn't do and would have to have paid the vet to do it for me. Luckily, my breeder did it before I bought them! :D I paid her to have them DNA'd and she did use the feather plucking method and sent the feathers to Avian Biotech. She charged me $25 which is what Avian Biotech charged her.