View Full Version : my bird has this realy wierd behavior can you help?

12-04-2006, 11:32 AM
I have a peach face and he/she does this realy wierd thing he scratches at his beake the makes a clicking sounds bobs his head up and down and does this over and over. He used to only do it when he was on my shoulder but now does it even in his cage. Any ideas? Is he sick? If anyone has seen this behavior before or knows what he is doing let me know. Thanks, Stacey

12-04-2006, 11:51 AM

It sounds like he's in love with you :rofl: You'll find that to be both a good and a bad thing.

From my experience, the clicks and the dance are usually overtures to mating. My bird Friday used to do it at me all the time. Fortunately though, I was never the actual object of his amour...others here on the board have not been so fortunate:lol

12-04-2006, 12:19 PM
Ah yes, the clicky-clicky & scratchy-scratchy stuff. Goes on in my house everyday. My Molly is in love with his momma and that's just fine with me :D My Piper is too, but Molly just steals my heart. Actually Molly will clicky-clicky & scratchy-scratcy and then take his foot and paw at my mouth. I thinks it's because he know that's where I talk and that's how he tells me he wants to go swishy-swishy >o

This pertains to mating and both male & females can or will do this.

12-04-2006, 03:30 PM
Awwwww, love it is! The first time my older adopted bird did that I was grinning from ear to ear. Only because I'd read about that behavior on this forum and knew that he had decided that I was his chosen one! :D He is much older, around 10, and doesn't do it often but when he does, I am flattered! The younger two (1 1/2) both do it often. In there cages and out of their cages.

12-04-2006, 05:45 PM
Yep, that's the love dance. Ditto does that too. Sometimes when we're watching tv on the couch he'll do the dance, fly across the room and back to me (to show off) and dance some more.

12-04-2006, 06:11 PM
that is the ritual pre-swishy-swish dance of loooooooooove:whistle: i myself have been the recipient of this "gift" :whistle: often (all the time) , and it means he's in love :eek: when you realize it is a sign of affection, it becomes quite lovely, kind of :lol

12-05-2006, 08:48 PM
Awww...lol...He loves you!!! ;)

12-05-2006, 08:57 PM
Thanks everyone my new little one peeps started doing this aslo to me and I thought the older one fweet fweet got her sick or something (well I guess she to got the the love bug ). Thanks again I can relax now.

12-05-2006, 09:39 PM
OMG! I was just gonna ask this cause my new little guy Kermit started doing it yesterday on his shoulder. It sounds like he is chattering his teeth but it's his beak, fluffs up, and bobs his head like a rooster....TOOOO CUTE! He likes me!!!! :-)

12-06-2006, 01:22 AM
OMG! I was just gonna ask this cause my new little guy Kermit started doing it yesterday on his shoulder. It sounds like he is chattering his teeth but it's his beak, fluffs up, and bobs his head like a rooster....TOOOO CUTE! He likes me!!!! :-)

What's really funny is when they start challenging your human mate for you... Friday used to tell my husband off when he'd get too close to "his" girl. So Ray, of course, would always make it a point of putting his arm around me or kissing me etc in front of the bird. Used to make Friday so mad LOLOLOL. Now that he's got his own feathered girlfriend, he doesn't mind so much. But he'll still try and chase Ray off on occasion.:lol

12-06-2006, 01:55 AM
My Biscuit does that too... in fact one of the things she does now is she drags her beak across the cage bars...

12-06-2006, 08:28 AM
What's really funny is when they start challenging your human mate for you... Friday used to tell my husband off when he'd get too close to "his" girl. So Ray, of course, would always make it a point of putting his arm around me or kissing me etc in front of the bird. Used to make Friday so mad LOLOLOL. Now that he's got his own feathered girlfriend, he doesn't mind so much. But he'll still try and chase Ray off on occasion.:lol

Friday sounds like Ditto! Only Ditto succeded in chasing her off (and he WAS her bird)! :rofl: